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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for Acne Scars

PRP or platelet rich plasma, which is sometimes also known as growth factor rich plasma (PRGF), platelet gel, and platelet concentrate (PC), is a high concentration of platelets suspended in minute amounts of plasma. Simply put, PRP is platelet-rich blood plasma.

Being a concentrated source of autologous platelets, which implies that the blood comes from the patient’s own body, PRP is known to contain growth factors and cytokines that are capable of stimulating the healing of soft tissues (a tissue that supports, surrounds or connects other organs and structures within a body).

Our blood consisted mainly of red blood cells (93%), white blood cells (1%) and platelets (6%), all of them suspended in plasma. During a PRP treatment, the red blood cell count drops to 5%, while the platelets rise to a staggering 94%, and the white blood cell count stays the same.

Essentially, PRP has been widely used in certain specialties of dentistry and dermatology.

PRP Collection

  • Blood is drawn from the patient’s body through a syringe.

  • Centrifugation using a diligently defined protocol (secretes red and white blood cells from platelets)

  • Platelet-rich plasma is removed.

  • An activating agent is added to the plasma, making it suitable for use.

PRP for acne scars

Acne scars are a common skin condition among millions of people around the world. Acne scars are a form of hyperpigmentation that remains on acne lesions and is difficult to remove if treated in a traditional way.

Acne scars are generally caused by the following reasons:

  • Inflammation

  • Destruction of elastin and collagen

  • Excessive accumulation of collagen

The PRP treatment procedure takes advantage of the body’s blood-rich platelets to heal and treat soft tissue injuries. The PRP treatment for acne scars, which regenerates and rejuvenates soft tissues, stimulates the healing of scars. What is surprising is the fact that no foreign substance is used throughout the procedure.

Not only does it induce the growth and enrichment of platelets, it also regenerates soft tissues and stimulates the growth of new capillaries and blood vessels, thus improving the texture and vitality of the skin.

Apparently, PRP treatment also stimulates fibroblasts and keratinocytes, aiding in the generation of new skin in place of the healed debris.

For deeper pigmented acne scars, ideally a PRP procedure is followed by a microneedle treatment. This helps reduce the depth of the scar.

PRP, as an alternative to laser treatments and surgeries, is safe, natural, and minimally invasive. It is a completely risk-free procedure.

For best results, discuss your treatment plan with your dermatologist.


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