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Arts Entertainments

Play the Candy Bar game at your next baby shower

Have you ever been to a baby shower where you played the Candy Bar game? If so, you know it can be a lot of fun. Even if you haven’t, you may want to include it in the next baby shower you host, because it’s a game your guests will really enjoy playing. Not only that, but they will enjoy winning chocolate prizes for correct answers. After all, how many girls do you know who don’t enjoy the occasional pick-me-up chocolate?

Start the game by buying a large sheet of construction paper and one of each of the chocolate bars listed below. Stick the chocolate bars on the card stock so you can show them off to your guests.

Give each of your guests a sheet of paper, a pen or pencil, and a magazine or book to write on. Then you can start reading the clues. You can use this list or create your own tracks:

* Night of conception (Skor)
* Cover the baby’s face with them (Hershey’s Kisses)
* 11 pound baby (Whoppers)
* Triplets (3 Musketeers)
* Grandparents (Lifeguards)
* Boy names (Mike & Ike)
* Poopie Diaper (Tootsie Roll)
* Umbilical cord (Twizzlers)
* Teething (Crunch)
* Father (Sugar Daddy)
* Girl’s name (Baby Ruth)
* Peek-a-boo (Look)
* Pay hospital bills (100 Grand)
* Time for yourself (Zero)
* Lullabies (Symphony)
* Diapers, formula, childcare, etc. (Payday)
* First year of being parents (Rocky Road)
* All that dirty laundry (mounds)
* Sweet infant (Sugar Babies)
* Breastfeeding (Milky Way)
* Contractions (now and after)
* Cool Mom (mint pie)
* The Joys of Parenthood (Snickers)

If you prefer, you can write a list of the clues and let your guests fill them out. However, saying the clues will increase everyone’s fun and allow for more opportunities to chat and get to know each other if all the guests don’t know each other.

When it’s time to read the answers, you can let your guests join in by taking turns giving the answers. Every time someone gives you a correct answer, you can remove that candy bar from the poster and throw it at them. If you do this, make sure everyone has a chance to answer a question. Another way to give a prize would be to see who ends up with the most correct answers and give that person the full poster.


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