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Prolapsed Hemorrhoids Treatment: Relieve Your Pain Fast

What is the best treatment for prolapsed hemorrhoids? Anyone who suffers from hemorrhoids on a regular basis knows that they are classified in stages ranging from 1 to 4. Stages 3 and 4 are considered the most painful; they are external or prolapsed hemorrhoids. Although they are more painful than piles or internal hemorrhoids, they usually respond faster to treatment with home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Ice is considered by many to be a quicker and more effective treatment for prolapsed hemorrhoids. Ice numbs quickly and helps reduce swelling, thereby relieving pain. It’s also the easiest to use on the go; Whether you’re at a store down the street or on a plane, it’s pretty simple to get a cup of ice-cold water and go to the bathroom.

Although relief is almost instantaneous, pain can occur quite quickly once the ice is removed. The longer you can keep the ice on the affected area, the longer the pain will be relieved when you remove it.

In a pinch, there’s nothing like popping a few old-fashioned aspirin for quick pain relief! They won’t do much for the swelling, but they will mask the pain long enough to go home and try something else. Just don’t take more than the recommended daily limit.

Also try a warm bath, either with a container placed on the toilet seat or by sitting in the tub. Although ice is quite effective, you cannot leave it on for long periods without tissue damage.

The hot water is soothing and the after effects last much longer. For even more relief, add a large dose of Epsom salts. Once you get out of the tub, apply olive oil to the affected area. This has wonderful calming and relaxing abilities, even on its own.

Also, get rid of the toilet paper and use moistened wipes.

Another very effective home treatment for prolapsed hemorrhoids is minced garlic. Garlic has been used for centuries to reduce inflammation and stop infections. These same properties help painful hemorrhoids. Take some minced garlic, mix it with a few drops of olive oil, place on a gauze, wrap and place on the affected area. Leave it there as long as possible.


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