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Stone planters are a permanent, maintenance-free solution for wood construction

If you plan to build a planter for your home garden, stone is a solid alternative to wood. Many homeowners tend to naturally lean towards traditional hardwood, primarily due to its beauty and durability. However, stone is a much better option because it requires no maintenance. It also retains moisture, which means you don’t have to constantly water your flowers and plants.

The benefits of stone planters

If you want a cheap and beautiful solution to your landscaping needs, a stone planter is simply the way to go. One of the main points to consider about installing a wooden planter is that it will need routine maintenance to prevent it from rotting. Rain, snow and ice can be harmful to wood. If you leave the wood framing alone untreated for too long (ie, without treating the wood), the chance of it rotting can lead to some expensive problems. Having to repot flowers and plants can be time consuming and expensive. It’s important to note that many homeowners have to do this every year, even if it doesn’t seem to be the case.

How to build a stone planter

To build your stone planter correctly, there are a few steps you will need to follow:

  • Be patient and take your time. Stone is truly a permanent option, so she won’t want to rush the job.
  • Use spray paint or a chalk line to outline the structure. Feel free to make rounded edges to fit your outdoor landscape and home.
  • Dig a trench and level it with a tamper.
  • Sort the stones from largest to smallest, with the last one closest to you.
  • Install the stones side by side and be sure to insert them firmly into the ground to ensure good contact.
  • Since you won’t be using mortar, you’ll need to stack the smaller stones firmly on top of their larger counterparts to prevent them from slipping or shifting.
  • To level the top of the pot, don’t forget to use longer, flat stones.

A stone planter is a stylish and creative way to spruce up your outdoor space. Once the project is complete, you can sit back and enjoy the view. To save money and make the job go faster, contact a local landscaping supply company. These businesses often sell in bulk and will be able to help you choose the right type of stone for your pot.


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