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Successful house cleaning starts with a positive attitude and the right plan of action.

Cleaning summary:

House cleaning may not be easy for many people, even though they want their home to be clean and organized. It can seem overwhelming at times, but it’s just a matter of having a structured routine that limits the number of interruptions and prevents you from running around the house while you clean.

Many people burn out before they start cleaning the house, as they are constantly interrupted to go get something they need, or stop and pick something up. By thinking ahead and taking a few simple steps, you make the job easier and save time and energy every time you clean a room. Where do you start?

– The first thing to do is order first. Before putting out the rags and cleaning supplies, it’s much easier if everything is in the general area where it should be. By picking up knick-knacks like magazines and newspapers from furniture or floors, you can avoid constant interruptions when vacuuming or dusting. When tidying up the room, the hardest part is out of the way, and the cleaning job already seems to be halfway done.

– The next thing you need to do is gather the cleaning supplies you’ll need before you start cleaning. Keeping a plastic bin with the things you’ll need to get the job done right reduces time spent searching, gathering, running around, and interruptions. Your bucket should contain things like window cleaner, furniture polish, rags, antibacterial spray, carpet cleaner, or freshener. Carry a small garbage bag with you to collect things as you go.

– You are now ready to start from the ceiling and work your way down to the floor. Dust the cobwebs from the corners and the ceiling, then you can dust the top shelves, then the bottom shelves and end tables until it’s time to vacuum the floor. By working its way up walls, it saves time from having to vacuum up fallen dust again.

– Clean one room at a time and then move to the next. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and a starting point if you need to take a break for any reason. Some people have a rotating cleaning schedule, where they clean a room or two each day, so it doesn’t seem like a lot of work at one time. By systematically using this method, all the rooms in the house are cleaned every week and are usually not as messy as you routinely keep them clean. This also makes it easier to clean the rest of the house, in case of unexpected guests, since you are already part of the road ahead.

A clean home makes you feel better and more comfortable, especially if you receive unexpected company. When you walk into someone else’s house, you probably notice if the house is clean or not, and something other people notice about your house. Houses that are dirty are more likely to cause illness, allergies, and bacteria. Keeping surfaces as clean as possible is one way to keep your family healthier and feel better organized at the same time.


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