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The essential CHAPTER of a leader

Becoming a meaningful and effective leader means moving forward, with the ability, insight, attitude, and self-confidence to recognize and realize that you cannot lead, unless / until, you realize, leadership depends, initially, on becoming a quality, empathetic human being! In fact, you have to keep in mind that leading is a CHAPTER (although perhaps an important one) of one’s general existence and life. How can someone make a difference for the better, for their organization and stakeholders, unless / until they give themselves a real check-up, from the neck up, and address how to become the best person, does he can? With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it is such an important aspect and consideration of effective and meaningful leadership.

1. Character; to create; to coordinate: Leaders must possess a true quality of character, where they put the interests of others, ahead of their personal / political agenda, and / or their own interests! Leadership must focus and emphasize what one wants to create and coordinate, and whether their personal vision aligns with the changes that the group needs and requires.

two. Cicatrization; heart head: If one’s emphasis and priority are not focused on healing, then you shouldn’t become a leader! You need to use the best aspects of one’s emotional and logical components in a balance between the head and the heart!

3. Attitude; fitness; attention; articulate: It takes a combination of a real, positive and positive attitude, combined with a relevant and well-developed aptitude and skill set to lead effectively. This should direct attention to the best paths to choose from, and you should be ready, willing, and able to articulate an inspiring and motivating message to those you serve and represent.

Four. Beginning; priorities; perceptions; planning: The only area in which you should never seek compromise relates to your principles. You must proceed, with an understanding of the constitution’s perceptions, and prioritize your stakeholders and group, before yours! Only when this leads to effective leadership planning and preparation for the immediate ramifications, as well as the long term, etc., do you earn the right to be considered a leader!

5. Timely; time tested; confidence; truthful; trends: Leading means, constantly evolving and learning, so quality trends can be merged into your overall strategic and action plans! However, you must be consistently truthful to earn and deserve the trust of others. In addition to trends, you should also proceed, using time-tested techniques and concepts, to look for a difference – for the better! Never procrastinate, but also proceed, with well-considered and timely action!

6. Empathy; emphasis; endurance; Excellence: You must prioritize, listen effectively, and learn, so that you can proceed – with the highest degree of genuine empathy! This should direct your emphasis and, combined with endurance and perseverance, to keep going when others give up. Never accept the good enough, but always depend on, the highest degree of personal excellence!

7. Relevant; trustworthy; responsive / responsible: The ball stops here. A real leader takes personal responsibility and is accountable to both the organization and current and future stakeholders! It must be reliable, while moving forward, with relevant actions, focused on quality, etc!

Don’t forget, leading is important, but simply a CHAPTER of one’s life! Will you be up to the task?


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