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The Law of Attraction Meets Copywriting

And what a happy union it is! Why is it so important to incorporate the Law of Attraction into your marketing plan and your copywriting? It could mean the difference of millions or thousands of dollars… The difference between customers and customers of a lifetime… If you think the Law of Attraction is only for dreamers, think again. Let me tell you why.

By now, I’m sure most of you have heard of the Law of Attraction. It has caught the attention of the general public due in large part to “The Secret”, and many people have held on to this truth and have begun to live their lives in accordance with it. However, there will always be skeptics and those who would never think of integrating a seemingly idealistic theory into their personal life, let alone their professional environment.

I, on the other hand, wholeheartedly believe and practice the law of attraction and believe it has a very significant presence in business. If harnessed and used properly, it can make the difference between “being” in business and “thriving” in business.

On the surface, it may seem like the two of you have nothing to do with each other. Vision boards, positive thoughts, and daily gratitude exercises are great inspirational ideas and concepts, but how can they be applied to a corporate setting? Surely you and your employees won’t be sitting in boardrooms making vision boards out of magazine clippings. Although, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

But let’s think about this on a deeper level. “Ideas become things.” “What you put into the world you get back.” To begin, let’s take your product or your service. In his field, he strives to provide his clients, his clients and the world with the best possible product or service that is within his reach. I hope you do, anyway. Think about your end user and how they will benefit from what you do. Hopefully, their lives will be at least a little better because you’ve solved their problem.

This is true even if you make something simple like dental floss. The core of what a floss manufacturer does is create a product that will enhance a person’s self-esteem. Think about it. If you think that good dental floss simply removes food from people’s teeth more comfortably and effectively than another brand, think again. (But that’s another article.)

The higher the quality of the product you offer, the better return you will receive. If you see yourself in the business of helping people, you’re already one step ahead of the competition. If you think you’re in the business of flossing, selling life insurance, or repairing cars, think again. You are thinking too superficially and you will never get the return you are looking for in your business.

Offer good service and you’ll get good business. But this is only the first step. Many people provide good service and make a great product without making a profit equal to the value they provide. The Law of Attraction is at work again, this time in your marketing copywriting specifically.

This is where a good product or service can go wrong: in the presentation. Remember that you are in the business of helping people. Somehow, “what you do” exists to help people. But if you don’t tell them, they don’t know. And if you don’t tell them the right way, they won’t listen to you.

Words are essentially thoughts. These thoughts will manifest into things. Therefore, it is imperative that these words are good, accurate, and directed at your target customer. When your company is obsessed with its customer, when the customer is all you think about, you will attract that customer. When you try to attract your customer with promotional language, lofty descriptions of yourself, and vague claims, that’s what you’ll get. It’s more dangerous than you think when you choose your words carelessly.

Promotion-based (or “hype”) language will cause customers to search for promotions, deals and offers, not YOUR specific services. And when you run out of deals, deals and deals, your customers will scatter like ants once the spilled soda is cleaned up. Loyalty will be much more difficult to achieve.

Mere descriptions of your services will get customers looking for those services, but they won’t find your “ideal” client. And when YOUR list of services, the headlines that say YOUR services are the best, and YOUR qualifications and experience are placed next to one of your competitors, there will be nothing to separate them. If the client chooses you, it will be purely by chance, leaving potentially guaranteed business at stake.

Indicate what you want. Tell your audience exactly what you can do for them in language they understand. Use the exact language they would use. Market as if you were your customer. Don’t assume you know your customer until you talk to them. You may find that you are asking for a consumer that does not exist.

If the goal of your marketing and copywriting is to make business, you are thinking the wrong thing. Contrary to what it seems, the goal of “doing business” is a negative thought. It implies that you are not getting enough business. That you need “something” or “more”.

What you should be thinking is, “How can we help our customer better than we do now?” or “How can we best convey to our target audience how much we can help them?” If you believe in what you offer and genuinely feel that you can help people in some way, and you don’t tell them, you are essentially stealing from them.

Constantly think about your “ideal” client. Please them and then talk to them like a friend; they will come. You will have attracted them.


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