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Time Management Strategies: Bill Burns on Planning and Validation vs. Embodiments of Change

Are you ready for a completely different approach to time management? Read on to find out Bill Burns’ thoughts on managing to-do lists.

Bill Burns is an incredibly gifted psychic and spiritual teacher in Los Angeles. According to Burns, there are two very different types of people: validation embodiments and change embodiments.

The people who embody change are those for whom traditional time management systems, complete with planning and schedules, work very well. Given that they are also in the majority of the population to the tune of around 90%, it sounds like this is the way it should work.

This reminds me of a time when the prevailing “wisdom” insisted that we all follow a low-fat diet, which caused a lot of misery and weight gain for some of us.

We now know that many of us are designed to thrive on a LOW CARB diet, with plenty of protein, plenty of good fat, and as few carbs as possible, aside from most vegetables. And most of us do much better without eating grains, too. There goes another sacred cow of the dominant nutritionist paradigm.

Time management works the same way.

Yes, it works very well for the people of the incarnation of the Change.

However, it causes a lot of grievances for the rest of us, the people of the Validation incarnation.

How is that? Because validation incarnation people “work” in almost exactly a way that is in perfect alignment with the teachings of Abraham-Hicks.

In fact, I sometimes wonder if Abraham Hicks is simply talking about Validation incarnations, since his teachings are perfect for us. Maybe that’s because it’s really mainly validation incarnation people who are open to that kind of teaching.

Changeling incarnations would be skeptical to say the least, and likely put off by such teachings.

And if Bill is right, the change incarnations won’t need it anyway; all they have to do is work on their plans.

But for validation incarnations… things are very different.

If you follow your gut and focus on doing the things that feel good, while feeling good about yourself at all times, things tend to fall into place.

However, if they push and push and force themselves to keep up with something they don’t really want to do, they tend to get into big trouble.

That doesn’t mean they can be irresponsible. They still have to do the normal stuff, but in general, the emphasis is on following your happiness, as Joseph Campbell used to say, who was obviously another incarnation of Validation.

And as exposed by the teachings of Abraham.

Any time management course that works for embodied person validation would have to support that. It would have to help you reconcile doing things while following your happiness at the same time.

By the way, would you like to know if you are an embodiment of validation or change?

Here’s a quick test:

1) Have any of the best things in your life come to you out of the blue?
2) Does planning often lead to disaster or leaves you stuck in a place where you are not happy?
3) Did the previous article speak to you?
4) Do things work better for you when you feel good about yourself?

If you answered Yes to most (or all) of the above, it is very likely that you are an incarnation of validation. If he answered no, he should probably give his answers some more thought, since most people who changed incarnations would have stopped reading this article a long time ago.


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