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Tips to prevent dog chewing

When you leave home, do you sometimes come back to find that your puppy or dog has been busy chewing on your things? If this is happening in your home, you will surely want to train him not to do that again.

It is not difficult to understand why puppies and younger dogs want to chew as much as they can. Use this knowledge to help control puppy chewing. All puppies go through a teething process and chewing on things helps them deal with teething discomfort. Puppies and young dogs up to the age of 3 will definitely have a greater urge to chew than an older dog. However, a dog of any age can chew just to be doing something to pass the time. Often times a dog that runs out of enough exercise and feels bored and may only start chewing for lack of something else to do. Whatever the reason, it’s a problem you can solve.

Here are some tips on how to stop dog chewing problems at home.

1. The most obvious way to do a dog test at home is to take the dog out in the yard during the time it is out of the house. If you prefer to keep your dog indoors (or if you have a dog gate and can enter at will), you will need to make sure to keep desirable chew items out of your dog’s reach. Closing all interior doors to homes is a simple and common sense way to remove many of the temptations from your dog’s grasp. For example, store your shoes and slippers in a closet with the door closed. Make sure to keep your remote controls and cell phones out of reach by placing them higher up on a shelf. Of course, be sure to keep all your food stored in the cabinets and out of reach.

2. Give your dog some good alternatives to chewing on his stuff. Chew toys are a wonderful and suitable substitute for your slippers. My pets have a chew called Kong, and this has become their favorite chew. The Kong is fun for your pet to chew – it’s a weird-looking ball of sorts that features a hollow center in which you can put some peanut butter or some other treat. . If you’re chewing on something like your favorite chew toy, the chewing you’re doing is no longer a problem, but rather a fun way to pass the time.

3. You must prevent your puppy from chewing on anything that is not approved right away every time you catch him in the act. One way to do this is to make a loud clapping sound with your hands and say “no” in a firm (but not angry) voice. This will get the dog to pay attention. However, do not punish your dog by hitting him or yelling at him. Instead of yelling, stay calm and swap whatever he’s chewing on and replace it with his Kong or another chew toy. When he accepts the new toy in his mouth, give him a lot of praise. This will begin to teach him that while he can chew on his toys, other things are off limits. It’s only okay to correct your dog if you catch him in the act of doing something wrong. Punishing them hours after chewing on your shoes will only confuse your dog because he can’t make the connection that you are angry about something that happened before. Dogs live in the moment.

By now, it should be clear that there are some simple common sense approaches you can take to prevent many of the dog chewing problems you may have. Your dog cannot destroy anything by biting it, if he no longer has access to it. Given that, you may want to consider keeping your puppy or dog outside in the yard while you are not in the house. Therefore, you should always make sure to provide them with alternative chew toys to play with, as it is natural for a dog to chew.

When I have a problem with my dog’s behavior or want to teach him some new tricks, I turn to the best dog training program you can find online. Secrets for dog training.


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