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Toothache Home Remedies: 33 Remedies You Can Consider Before Seeing A Dentist!

When the central region of the tooth known as the pulp becomes inflamed or irritated, toothache occurs. The pulp of the tooth is very sensitive and contains various nerve endings and tissues. Bacterial infection, tooth decay and cavities, dental injuries or tooth loss are the main causes of a toothache.

A toothache can range from mild to severe stabbing pain in the teeth or jaw and if it lasts for more than 2 days, it is best to seek immediate help from your dentist. However, if the toothache occurs in the middle of the night or if you are unable to get an appointment with your dentist right away, you can try various home remedies to cure toothache. Natural treatments can help provide temporary relief from a toothache when there is no immediate access or when you have to wait for a dental appointment.

Tooth decay can lead to the growth of bacteria that can lead to infection, tooth decay and, in some severe cases, even death. If you have a toothache and have to wait for a dentist appointment to be seen, there are several home remedies that can help relieve toothache temporarily and these are:

  1. Activated carbon – Mix with enough water to make a paste and put some of the mixture on a small gauze, then place it on the sore tooth, leave it for up to 5 minutes, remove the gauze and rinse your mouth with water.
  2. acupressure – Use your thumb to press the point on the back of your other hand where the base of your thumb and index finger meet, then apply pressure for 2 minutes. Doing this will release the brain’s feel-good hormones called endorphins.
  3. Apple cider vinegar – Place a cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar to relieve toothache.
  4. Asefoetida – Add a pinch of asetifide powder to warm lemon juice, then use a cotton ball to apply the solution to the sore tooth.
  5. sodium bicarbonate – Dip a damp cotton ball in baking soda and then apply it to the affected tooth. You can also make a mouthwash by dissolving a tablespoon of baking soda in a small glass of warm to lukewarm water.
  6. Myrtle – Mix myrtle bark powder with vinegar to make a paste and apply it on the infected tooth to relieve toothache.
  7. molasses – Contains the minerals magnesium and calcium that help in the repair and regeneration of teeth. Rub the molasses on your gums or keep it in your mouth for a few minutes.
  8. Cayenne pepper – Mix cayenne pepper with water to form a paste, then place it on the sore tooth.
  9. Coconut oil or virgin coconut oil – Swish the oil around in your mouth and between your teeth for a few minutes and then spit out (also called oil pulling).
  10. Colloidal Silver – Use this to spray the infected tooth
  11. Cucumber – Slice a cucumber and hold it over the sore area.
  12. equine and aloe – Echinea is a remedy for cold and flu. Open 2 capsules and then mix with aloe gel to create a paste, then put it on the infected tooth until it dissolves. Enchinea will stop the infection and the aloe will reduce the pain.
  13. Garlic – Place a clove of garlic mixed with a little rock salt on the affected tooth to relieve pain. You can also chew a clove of garlic to release the oil and then hold it against the sore tooth for half an hour. It will give you immediate relief because it acts as an anesthetic.
  14. ginger root – Chew a piece of fresh ginger or cut a piece of the root and put it on the sore tooth.
  15. guava leaves – Chew fresh guava leaves to extract the juice on the affected tooth. Or boil 4-5 guava leaves in water, let it cool down a bit, add a little salt, and then use as a mouthwash to relieve pain. Spinach leaves can be used as an alternative to guava leaves.
  16. Hydrogen peroxide – Swish a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in your mouth, hold for a few minutes, spit it out, and then rinse with water.
  17. Ice – Put a small ice cube in a plastic bag and hold it against the sore tooth for about 15 minutes. The ice will numb the nerves and gums.
  18. lime – Cut a slice of lime and bite into it as much as you can to release some of the juice.
  19. magnesium citrate – Take 1 teaspoon for 3 to 4 days to relieve toothache.
  20. clove oil – Also known as eugenol and considered one of the ancient home remedies for toothache. It has antimicrobial properties and numbing effect that act as a powerful pain reliever. Simply soak a cotton ball or cotton swab in the oil and apply it directly to the sore tooth. Or you can try mixing a few drops of oil in half a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash. Repeat as needed.
  21. Oregano oil – Mix a few drops of oregano oil and olive oil and soak a cotton ball in the solution. Apply to the affected area.
  22. Onions – Provides pain relief due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Chew raw onion to kill the germs that are causing the infection.
  23. Over-the-counter medications or pain relievers – These oral pills do not require a prescription from your dentist or doctor and are often found in your home medicine cabinet and are often the best treatment for temporary relief of toothaches. You can find many options with over-the-counter treatments, such as antiseptic ointments, anti-inflammatory medications, ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and aspirin. However, never put the medicine directly on your teeth or gums, as it could cause burns.
  24. pepper and salt – Mix equal amounts of pepper and salt with water to form a paste, then apply directly to the affected tooth and let it sit for a few minutes.
  25. mint leaves – Chew fresh mint leaves. Or mix five grams of mint and a pinch of salt in a cup of water until it boils. Let it cool down and then drink the mixture.
  26. Banana – Chew a fresh banana leaf to release the juice and then apply on the sore tooth.
  27. Dad – Cut a piece of fresh potato and then hold the affected area for a few minutes.
  28. Salt – Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse for up to 30 minutes before spitting. Repeat at least twice a day or as needed.
  29. Tea – Place a black tea on the sore tooth. The tannins will help draw toxins out of the infected tooth or gum and reduce swelling and pain.
  30. tea tree oil – Simply drop some tea tree oil on a cotton swab and place directly on the tooth or use as a mouthwash by adding a few drops to a glass of warm water.
  31. turmeric powder – Turmeric is an herb known for its antibacterial, antiseptic properties and is believed to contain fluoride. Put some turmeric on a cotton swab and apply it to the sore tooth.
  32. Vanilla extract – Soak a cotton ball in a little vanilla extract and put it between your teeth.
  33. wheatgrass juice – Contains natural antibacterial properties that can fight tooth decay. Use the juice extracted from wheatgrass as a mouthwash to relieve pain. Or you can also chew wheatgrass.

If after trying all the remedies mentioned above you still have a toothache, it is best to see your dentist as soon as possible. Some of the dental problems related to the gums and teeth are better treated professionally than at home.


Toothache is one of the common dental problems and it can happen without warning. Swelling, irritation, and possibly infection can cause a toothache that is characterized by pain or aching in or around the tooth. If left untreated, it can lead to an abscess in the gums or teeth which will eventually lead to tooth loss. There are home remedies available that can temporarily relieve a toothache while you wait to see a dentist, but it’s important to know that you should still make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to get the proper treatment for what’s really causing it. toothache


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