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What to do when your natural gas leak detector shuts off

So you did the smart thing and installed a natural gas leak detector in your home. So what do you do when it turns off? Knowing what to do (and what not to do) in the event of a gas leak can literally mean the difference between life and death. Read on to discover your best plan of action in the event of a gas leak.

First, understand that natural gas is odorless. That nasty rotten egg smell is mercaptan, an additive that suppliers put out as a warning. If you smell it, it means there is gas in the air … but not necessarily at dangerous levels. That’s one of the reasons a natural gas leak detector is so useful. Not only will you have a better idea of ​​the concentration of gas that is building up in your home, but you will also have a safe warning system that will alert you to leaks even if you are asleep. An unpleasant smell is not a good alarm for you if you are a deep sleeper, or even if you have a cold or an impaired sense of smell.

So what do you do when the alarm goes off? First of all, don’t panic. Natural gas leak detectors are designed to activate long before the gas has built up to dangerous levels. They are classified according to their Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), which means the percentage of the LEL that the gas had to reach before the alarm was activated. 100% means that your house is in danger of exploding. If your detector activates at 15% of the LEL, that means it has a long time to act before dangerous levels are reached.

Next, make sure there are no open flames. If there are, turn them off immediately! This includes cigarettes, candles, or anything else that is burning in your home. Natural gas is extremely flammable and combustible, and an open flame plus gas in the air equals fire or explosion. Turn off all gas appliances and turn off pilot lights.

Do not touch or operate any electrical equipment. This includes light switches and even the telephone. Again, even a small spark can ignite the gas. Do not unplug appliances. If you need light, use a battery-operated flashlight.

Open all windows and doors to disperse the gas. If your natural gas leak detector is still on, or if you suspect that there is still a leak, shut off the main gas line and leave the house. Call your fire department and gas company from outside the home, either by cell phone or by neighbors. It’s a good idea to keep emergency numbers in your car, so you don’t have to worry about grabbing them if you need to vacate the premises in a hurry.

Once you have your natural gas leak detector installed, it is a good idea to make an emergency plan and practice it with your family. The best protection, after all, is preparation!


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