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Health Fitness

Why cycling is a fun exercise

If you find going to the gym to be a dream exercise, you may want to try cycling outdoors. Cycling, compared to gym exercise, is more fun. When cycling, you won’t get bored with the changing environment while traveling on your chosen bike path; whereas, in the gym, you are stuck with the same walls and equipment. It’s no wonder that some people find it difficult to maintain exercise in the gym. There is more variety in the cycling experience.

More people are turning to cycling as part of their weight loss program because it’s a low-impact exercise and more fun to do. As a low-impact exercise, it is easy on the joints and therefore makes for a comfortable workout. Doesn’t mean you won’t sweat it. In fact, riding a bike burns as many calories as running. By cycling at a moderate speed, you can burn approximately 650 calories in an hour.

As you pedal your way to weight loss, you build your endurance and strength by working your core muscles in your legs, arms, and core, giving you that well-toned physique.

As an aerobic exercise, cycling strengthens the heart and lung muscles, allowing the transport of oxygen in the body and improving cardiovascular fitness. This also helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Cycling is a good exercise that does not require special skills. However, as a beginner, you may want to practice riding the bike in your backyard until you’re confident taking it on the road. However, you may just need a little practice because you probably already rode a bike as a child and once you’ve learned the skill, you won’t forget it.

There are things you may want to consider and remember if you decide to take up cycling as an alternative exercise to gym routines.

· You may want to check if the bike you are using fits you well for riding comfort.

It is advisable to plan the route and familiarize yourself with the cycling regulations in the area.

· Security First. You may want to check your tires and brakes before heading out for a ride.

· Be visible to other motorists by wearing something bright to avoid accidents on the road.

· Don’t forget your helmet.

When paired with a healthy eating plan, cycling can help you shed those extra pounds while enjoying a good, fun workout.


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