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Why is Mother’s Day so special?

Mother’s Day is a national holiday that celebrates the loving bond between a mother and her child. Being a mother or father is one of the toughest but most rewarding jobs you can have. At the moment of conception, many mothers’ nurturing instincts take over. They begin to eat better, make regular doctor appointments, and prepare for their new baby. The maternal inclination to protect and comfort her baby kicks in and shapes the way she thinks and acts. Many people say “women shine during pregnancy”, possibly the pregnancy itself radiates maternal love that secretes from their bodies. Women know how painful childbirth can be, but they put the pain aside and wait for the first moment they see their baby. It can be clearly seen at the moment of birth, their tears are not because they are exhausted and in pain, but because of their immediate love for their baby.

Mothers are responsible for raising, teaching and loving their children. Your impact on your child’s life is crucial for your child to be a positive and contributing member of society. We have all seen in the movies the great events between the lives of mothers and their children; like seeing your child going to school for the first time, watching him sing in her first school performance, or sitting in the audience while your child receives an award at school; but there are many other ways mothers impact their children. I can’t count the times my wife has juggled her work and school schedule to attend one of our children’s plays, award ceremonies, or sports activities. I know that she believes that someone has to be there for them, someone has to be in the audience to clap and show that they are loved.

Mothers show compassion when their child is sad, listen when they need a friend, celebrate their successes, give them strength when they fail, and always put their child before their own needs. Mothers often stay up all night with their baby, if he or she is sick, holding him or her in her arms to comfort him, possibly telling him that everything will be okay. If they have to go to work the next morning, they may be exhausted, but they are likely to tell you that they wouldn’t trade the good or bad times for the world. Due to this maternal devotion, children often think of their mothers first during important events throughout their lives. If you’ve ever seen an awards ceremony, a professional sports draft, or attended a wedding, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “I’d like to thank my mom, she was always there for me.”

Why is Mother’s Day so special? Being a mother is a special privilege; a unique job that requires unwavering commitment, dedication and love. This motherly love not only helps her child grow into a loving and responsible adult, it also helps the mother grow into a more devoted and caring being. There really is no replacement for a mother; It is a special bond that can only be created between a mother and her child. Mother’s Day is the perfect occasion to thank them for her presence. I hope you and your mom have a very happy and memorable Mother’s Day.


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