
We think and build.


Why social networks (part 2)?

Continuing our “Why Social Media” series… we want to start with some of the important points to consider when creating (or revising!) your social media strategy.

First, be really consistent. Pick just a couple of platforms and post regularly to them; and keep your posts balanced (promotion/creation/curating). It’s important to really understand your customers/prospects and post the right number of updates per day to be a priority, but not a nuisance.

Second, don’t make all your posts about you, and only about you. The example I always give is that of a networking event, your social media channel should not be a channel for you to talk to yourself. Just like a networking event, you are effective when you ask questions of those around you, interact and learn about them. Social networks are no different. Poll your followers, ask questions and respond to the answers (even just with a thank you!).

Here are our top 5 reasons why you shouldn’t wait another day to implement a social media strategy for your business:

  1. search engine optimization – SEO is a method of getting more traffic to your website for free, in an organic/natural way of influencing search results on search engines. Also, including social media in your SEO strategy (bearing in mind that your “about” section on Facebook is searchable) can lead to link building; As people share your posts on social media and your post includes a link to your website, the connections between their social media platforms and the website are strengthened.

Since search engines like links and they love keywords, social media can play an influential role in your overall strategy to improve your rankings. While there are multiple social media channels available to businesses, we recommend picking two or three social networks to post on regularly and doing extremely well. Do some research on the user metrics of the different platforms and find the ones that resonate not only with your brand, but also with your target market. Keep in mind that some people search for products/companies within a social network, not necessarily on Google, so having a presence on the platform positively influences the probability of being found.

  1. Greater brand recognition – by using more channels to expand your brand, you will have higher brand recognition. Add to this the shared photos of your loyal followers, and your brand reach increases as well.
  2. Improved brand loyalty – Companies that are active have active followers, feel personal and more connected. Social media gives you the venue for superior customer service, listening and responding to your prospects, giving your brand a face. Customer service isn’t just about responding to complaints, it’s also about answering product questions to make it easier to make decisions between your product and the competition’s (increasing your ability to convert leads into sales) . Social media can also create a community around your brand and products, further enhancing brand loyalty.
  3. Increase in incoming traffic – By using more channels to spread your message, you can reach a larger audience, which in turn leads to more clicks to your website. Add a lead magnet to the mix and you’ll be collecting and qualifying even more leads!
  4. Decreased marketing costs – Digital ads (even paid) are cheaper than print ads. Plus, by using Facebook’s built-in metrics, it’s easier to A/B test and track your campaigns, as well as modify your messaging if the results don’t align with your goals. This can lead to a richer customer experience and service (building a community around your product).

And one last bonus tip: social media marketing takes time, not only in creating amazing content, but also in terms of results. While we’ve all seen those posts that go viral and Pages that consequently gain a ton of new followers, most businesses see a slow and steady increase in followers with a consistent and well-considered strategy.


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