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Work from home: create your first website

Starting a home business is a huge task. Creating an online presence for your business can be just as daunting. Where do you start to learn the basics of creating your first website? It is actually much simpler than you think. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your first website simple.

First, you will need a domain name. A domain name is what your website visitors will type in to visit your website. For example, the domain name you would type to find Christian Work at Home Moms is http://www.CWAHM.com – “CWAHM” is the actual domain name part of the website address.

You can buy a domain name for less than $9.00 a year from places on the Internet like http://www.GoDaddy.com. On the GoDaddy.com home page, you’ll find a place where you can search to see if the domain name you want to buy is available. You want the domain name you choose to be descriptive and easy to remember.

Next, it’s time to create your website. Sit down and write everything you want your website to include. Make a list of all the products, details, prices and options that your customers will want to know about. The more information you provide to the customer up front, without them looking at your website, the more sales you’ll get. Customers like clean and warm websites where they feel like they have all the necessary information and can trust the person they are buying from.

Now it’s time to plan the design and layout of your website. This aspect is very important. You will want to make sure your layout is clear and easy to navigate. If possible, include a menu that is easy to find and contains all the different sections you have included on the site.

Also, consider a “sitemap.” A sitemap is a page or section of the website that contains a complete layout of each page and theme of the website. Many small websites overlook this, but it’s a very easy way to give your visitors an overview of everything you have to offer. Almost all large websites use sitemaps to help their customers. Think of eBay – what website do you know that generates as much profit as eBay? There aren’t many out there. When you visit eBay, the third link on the website, next to the logo, is “site map”.

Why do you think eBay put their sitemap in such a prominent place? They know that their site visitors are easily overwhelmed. When you click on eBay’s “sitemap” link, you get a full overview of everything eBay has to offer, from registering on the site to contacting their customer service departments.

When planning your website design, there are of course many aspects to consider. Some of the most important things to think about are:

How many pages will your website have?

Will your website showcase your products or a business opportunity? Or both?

How well do you know your demographics? Will your website be aimed at women or men? What age group are you targeting? What are your interests? What will catch their attention?

Gather this information and start laying out the graphics, images, and text you want to use on your site. You want the text on your website to be clear, concise, and to the point. Visitors to your website will want to be able to easily scan your site for the information they need to make their purchase. Use bulleted lists when possible and keep your paragraphs to a few sentences maximum.

Finally, you are ready to put your plans into action. The easiest way to create your website is by using a website template, such as Google Pages, http://pages.google.com. The template will give you a frame and allow you to “fill in the blanks” with the text and graphics you have chosen.

You’ve done it. You have created an online presence for your business. You have chosen a meaningful domain name; researched the demographic you’re trying to reach; and thought about the design and other aspects of your website to create a meaningful website that is easy to use for your visitors. You are now ready to drive traffic to your website and make sales.


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