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Start a coffee cart or kiosk

Do you know that in 1999 there was an average of 108,000,000 coffee drinkers in the United States alone? (SCAA 1999 Market Report) How much more today? Coffee never seems to go out of style and the fascination with it affects not only the ancients, but today the younger generations have also embraced drinking the concoction at their every whim. The aroma of coffee is appetizing enough that someone wants to drink that much coffee in an instant. And since the coffee craze never fades, why not get in the business of selling some of that roasted bean drink, cart or kiosk style?

I might wonder why put a cart and not just a stable cafe in a permanent location. Well, there are many advantages to owning a car; One is that you can transfer from one location to another if sales are not that great on a given day. Another advantage would be the minimal cost of start-up expenses when starting this business. With a stroller you don’t have to spend too much to get started. Since it is mobile, it can also go around the neighborhood to allow exposure for your business. Money can be an issue, but it’s not too much that it would be hard to save for. All you need is the right tools, a reasonable amount of capital, and knowledge in simple trading operations. With these simple preparations, you’ll be ready to make the best coffee in town.

For those who prefer a coffee outlet that is not too mobile but less expensive than building a full-size store, a kiosk may be suitable. Kiosks can be set up outdoors or indoors and can be located on street corners where easily accessible. However, the success of the kiosk is also based on its location. It needs to be carefully planned and thought through, as where you set up your kiosk can make or break your establishment. A disadvantage of this type of business is that, like in a cafe, you have to be there all the time. So if you think you can’t stay in one place then this is not for you. You would also need to employ two to three employees to help you throughout the day, as it would be demanding enough to make the coffee and at the same time give your customers a good experience.

Does the aroma of coffee already fill your nose? Before you dive into this business, make sure you have made the right preparations. If possible, do a feasibility study to find out the probability of the income you will obtain. The location, the amount of money you are willing to spend, and the target market all need to be considered before making your decision. It would also be nice if you can make appointments to talk to some kiosk and cart owners to ask how operations are done accordingly. So get ready and get ready to start an aromatic journey selling the all-time favorite coffee.


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