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An Appreciation From John Davidson – Healing With Subtle Energy

In the late 1980s, early in my quest to find health care without the modern physician and his synthetic chemical society, I immersed myself in the science of the mystical as part of my quest to find health along with a deeper meaning of life. lifetime. I was impressed by author John Davidson’s book Subtle Energy (1987) His work examines the healing qualities of subtle-level healing tools involved in both Eastern and Western medicine – his research takes us into well-documented but little-used areas except by natural healers such as:

or mysticism

o The Elements

or Chakras

o Healing polarities

or Harmony

o Polishers

o Crystals

o Magnetic Therapy

o Electromagnetic pollution

o Bioelectricity

o Subtle energy interface

or Feng Shui

o Paramidas

o Shape

o Color

Davisdson says that these various subtle energies play a role in the natural economy of the world and humanity. How these energies are detected:

o The Aura

or charisma

o Dowsing

Davison describes subtle energies as higher levels of energy that begin just beyond our normal perceptual abilities. Sometimes they look like a sparkling, sparkling rainbow effect around objects, making them appear almost transparent. As an internal subatomic structure. Subtle energies are planes of denser forms of matter and energy. It represents the energy matrix where our visible universe is manifested.

Learn more:

o The Web of Life: Life Force – The Energetic Constitution of Man and the Neuro-Endocrine Connection (1988) helped me understand the subtle structure and anatomy of man, showing how it is linked to modern physiology and biochemistry.

o The Secret of the Creative Void, Man and the Dance of Energy (1989) He showed me how the energetic fabric of space provides us with a model of how to make sense of psychic phenomena and how many existing forms of subtle healing work, including homeopathy, radionics, Bach’s remedies and others work

o Natural Creation and Formative Mind (1991) demonstrate that the physical universe is just one level of perception. It describes how we live in a world of being rather than substance.

o Natural creation from natural selection, a new theory of complete evolution (1992) tells us that if we apply an understanding of the formative mind we will see how the fossil record agrees with the universal philosophy expressed by mystics throughout the ages. ages.

Now, 21 years later, Davison has added a lifetime of research and documentation to help us on our way. Your help in teaching me to be my own doctor is greatly appreciated.


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