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Bedrooms I have known

I’m a Feng Shui consultant and I wanted to share some vignettes about “bedrooms I’ve known” (at least as a Feng Shui consultant!). One of the most memorable was the following: I was telling this woman that she should be careful what she keeps under her bed, especially if it has to do with ex-boyfriends or something bad or dangerous.

Well, we got down on our knees and started pulling things out from under the bed. Not only did we find a box with every letter his ex-boyfriend wrote, we found gifts he had given her and (here’s the kicker) we found a SWORD under his bed! Along with this was a lot of dust, a board game called “Risk” and a few other goodies. Needless to say, we were horrified.

On another occasion, he was advising a man in Boston, and he shared with me his propensity for piling up piles of paper. I didn’t really get the full impact of what he was saying until he showed me to his bedroom. On EVERY available inch of floor space were these stacks of papers neatly stacked. The only space on the floor that was visible was a small path for him to get into his bed. He also admitted that he probably hadn’t sucked in 7 years.

You know, people wonder why their lives are screwed up. I’ve seen it all. In another memorable concert, a woman was sleeping under a giant beam that basically split her in two (energetically speaking). Add to this that she also had a sword on the wall, directly above her head, and guess what was in her relationship area? Dirty clothes!

Then there was the time I found suitcases in someone else’s relationship area. I asked them, “Do you often have long-distance relationships that never work out?” “How did you know?” They asked. Like I said, I’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff out there.

Here are my words to share. Clean up your clutter and remember ALL your senses when it comes to your bedroom. This means that it should not only look good, smell good and feel good, but if it does, you are well on your way to good Feng Shui.


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