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Arts Entertainments

Overcome shyness with belly dancing

Many of us are aware that we carry parts of our behavior, upbringing, and memories from childhood into adulthood. As adults we learn to control our behavior or hide behind a mask. But in truth, shyness is always there until it is corrected. Belly dancing is a fun remedy to overcome shyness.

Gathering knowledge and understanding the causes of some of our emotional shortcomings is the express train for corrections.

Let’s take some time to review our childhood and see if we have carried our shyness into adulthood.

Do you remember one or both parents completing their awards every time you spoke? This was often done to me and created communication problems with other people. Anytime a person speaks and is interrupted before they finish their sentence, the person feels stupid, ignored, or whatever they have to say is not important or relevant. Therefore, he stops talking to people and retreats to his private world. An attitude develops of “Why bother? They’re not going to listen to me anyway.”

Learning belly dance on your own helps build confidence. As you progress through the dance, the inner self sees the reflection in the mirror and proudly acknowledges the dance skills and techniques it has learned. Positive self-praise is good.

The discipline required in this art form sets goals that must be achieved from start to finish. Dancing to the music is working as a team to complete your award from start to finish. This is the unconscious spirit that carries over into daily life and builds self esteem, self esteem and self confidence as an individual and these values ​​will carry over into social situations. Shyness is overcome.

Another factor that causes shyness is the lack of praise. Parents, caregivers, babysitters, and other adults who supervise children should praise children. The shy person is surprised when complimented and doesn’t know how to respond or feels uncomfortable in the spotlight.

Belly dancing offers two stages that help to receive praise.

One is the choice of a show name that is used in acting. This name is a mask that temporarily hides its performer. However, over time the individual recognizes that the mask and the person are the same. Compliments are welcome without feeling awkward or knowing how to respond. The simplest answer is “Thank you.”

Second, the act of performing in front of one or many people brings praise. You are instantly rewarded. The dance costume, like the mask, hides the true individual. But, once again, the inner person is the creator and teacher who receives praise. Accessories are never praised. It is not the mask or the costume; it is the individual who receives the praise.


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