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Hebrew words that begin with the letter Gimmel

Here are some words beginning with the letter Gimmel from the Hebrew alphabet and also their English translations:

won it is garden; it is to raise life, on the right side of the word Gan you will see the Gimmel, on the left side you will see the letter Nun which means life. So what does garden mean? To lift life! Doesn’t that make sense? That’s what gardens do, you put seeds in there, and you water them with the Holy Spirit or the Ruach and life springs up in the Garden of Eden, which was the garden of life.

oh, is a Gimmel, an Aleph and a He. This is the word for pride and imagine what it means. Raise the leader’s head up or revealed, raise the head that is revealed. That is pride, pride raises its head above others. That’s pride, Ga ah. How many knew that the word gay was a Hebrew word? It means proud. You will never look at that word the same again.

Golgotha it is the place that was raised when the Messiah gave His life; He was the richest man on earth, wasn’t he? He was the richest man in the universe and he was also the most generous man because he is connected to Gimmel. Gimmel is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which means that it is connected with the number three. That is why Golgotha ​​begins with the Gimmel and not with any other letter; it is the place of giving and by the way, the place of the skull was not a place of rock that looks like a skull. It is a place where they counted people for the census.

gava it means majesty, pride, or rising up there is a real connection to that. Reward or Reward.

Gamal he is a benefactor, one who bestows gifts on people. You see that Gimmel is connected with generosity; he is connected with the one who sits on the camel with one purpose and only one purpose, that is to bestow and bring gifts. Who rode the camel to bring gifts to the most powerful man in the universe? The sages did it!

Do you see the prophetic meaning? Camels are connected with rich men who bring gifts and give people a sense of pride. Everything is connected to the letter Gimmel.


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