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Relationship between brother and sister

Sibling rivalry is the result of a competitive relationship or animosity between siblings, consanguineous or not. Competition between siblings is believed to arise because one of the siblings receives more attention from the parents.

A brother-sister relationship is one of the most beautiful in the world. One finds best friend, second parent, silly fights, accomplice, and protector in this one relationship. In short, siblings are friends and guide each other. Friendship between siblings is similar to that between peers. The possibility of friendship between siblings is great.

Having a brother is a blessing. Really. They might be irritating, annoying and what not, but sure, if there is a problem, they are the ones who would come in front of you first to protect you. This is how the relationship should be. In a sibling relationship, you have fun and talk, but not romantically. There is no sexual attraction but talking and loving each other.

There are brothers who are friends but there are also brothers who are separated by rivalry, struggle and animosity. From day one, they are each other’s best friend, the greatest arch enemy. There are people who share more affectionate relationships with friends than with their own siblings. The possibility of developing friendship between siblings is great. There are many factors that influence this friendship such as being born in the same family, having grown up together, having been educated in the same or similar way. By their biological nature, the siblings share a mutual affection that comes from years of living together.

Siblings are simply too valuable to waste. They are your longest memory bank, your shared history, the person who can know you better than anyone. They are such a deep part of your identity that they cannot be erased even when they are not present. Many siblings grow apart and stop seeing each other altogether. That’s a shame, actually. If there is someone who has become estranged from their siblings, make an effort to change that situation before it is too late. Yes, it can end in failure: some fissures are too deep to heal. But if you can find a way, you will never regret it. Siblings are too valuable to be forgotten because they helped make you who you are.

A brother-sister relationship is the most endearing relationship in which there is a lot of love, care, and fun as well. We all have good childhood memories. There is nothing stronger than the relationship between brother and sister. Brother and sister are childhood friends. Their bond is very strong and is never lost.

A sister is for telling stories and making promises that will never be broken. Being a sister and brother means being there for each other in time of need. For a brother, a sister is his soul mate and the best part of him. A true sister is a friend who listens with the heart.


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