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A Cage Is Worth a Thousand Fun Memories

Thousand Fun Memories

For over thirty years, the flying monkeys have been charming people in China and Japan. This flying monkey is also called Fu zoo. The Fu Zoo is located in Nanjing and is one of the biggest zoos in China. Here you can watch and learn how these incredible monkeys perform their acrobatic stunts in high performance captivity.

The flying monkeys originated from Africa, which is where they were first brought to Asia. Over the centuries, these flying creatures have made it their life’s work to learn flight and become skilled acrobats. The oldest known specimen was thirty seven years old. Today, you can witness the astonishing power of a young monkey in its natural habitat, and when properly trained by experts, will do a wonderful job of balancing on to a top of a cage.

Flying monkey delta 8

Many think that the monkeys are related to swans, but they are actually quite different. Swans have beautiful songs and their movement is graceful and captivating to watch. But they are not monkeys; they are not able to soar like swans and do acrobatic tricks like the flying monkeys. The two are very different from each other, although they look alike to the untrained eye.

A Cage Is Worth a Thousand Fun Memories

The Fu Zoo offers more than just flying monkeys for visitors to observe. There is a vast collection of flying squirrels, crane birds, giant dragonflies and a wide array of mammals. There are even more exotic flying animals to be seen. Some of the flying squirrels can be trained to make noise, some of the crane birds can be trained to dance, and so can many of the flying dragonflies. All of these animals are on display, and visitors are free to tour the zoo at any time of day or night. Because this zoo is open to the public at all times of the day and night, there is never a lack of people to watch and learn from when it comes to the various acrobatic displays and how these animals do their acrobatics.

The beautiful cage that houses the Fu Zoo’s flying monkeys is truly a sight to behold. It is constructed entirely of metal, with one side of the cage being glass. The side without the glass is protected by a second metal frame. There are twenty three mirrors on the right and left sides of the cage, and two on top of the cage itself. The mirrors provide a wonderful view of the animals as they perform their acrobatic tricks and the sounds of their wings tickle one and another.

The Fu Zoo offers visitors the opportunity to feed flying monkey for just a very short time in their life. Visitors who purchase one of the Fu Zoo’s Flying Monkey Treasures packages will be able to have this pet for only a short period of time, and will then need to return to the nearest local wild animal shelter. The owners of the Flying Monkey Delta have ensured that visitors will be kept informed about the number of times that the flying monkey can be fed during the two month period of his ownership. In addition, it is possible for one week of the year to keep a single flying monkey as a pet, and then have him return to the wild.


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