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Angular cheilitis in adolescents: how is it different?

A lot of teenagers are affected by angular cheilitis all the time; however, there is still an appalling amount of ignorance about the condition. Most people think that angular cheilitis that occurs in young people is of the same nature as that that occurs in older people. Due to this serious misunderstanding, even the treatment methods used for adolescents and the elderly are often the same. However, the fact is that angular cheilitis is different from person to person, depending on their age. This difference is found in the causes and symptoms and even in the method of treatment used for the condition.

Angular cheilitis in adolescents: the causes

When angular cheilitis occurs in adolescence, the causes are usually poor diet or some lifestyle conditions. It can happen if the person’s diet is lacking in vitamins B1 and B12 and iron, all of which are very important in keeping this condition at bay. It can also occur due to some habits such as constantly wetting the lips with saliva or constantly exposing them to the heat of the sun. Today, adolescent stress is a common problem; adolescents who are affected can also get cheilitis sooner or later.

This is quite opposed to the causes of angular cheilitis in older people. Most older people with this condition get it as a result of a health-related condition, such as Crohn’s disease or yeast infection, or get it for simple reasons like tooth loss and bad dentures. adjusted.

The symptoms

Symptoms of this condition in teens are different from symptoms in older people. When teens get this condition, the commonly seen symptoms are:

1. Chapped lips

2. Formation of lesions, especially around the corners of the mouth.

3. The lips become sore, especially at the corners.

4. Cracks or fissures in the oral area, mainly at the corners and inside the lips; These cracks or crevices soon become painful.

5. Bleeding, which increases mainly when the mouth is opened or closed.

The treatment

Treatment of angular cheilitis in adolescents is much simpler than in older people due to their stronger immune system. Dietary corrections complement the treatment. Also, eliminating stress helps.

There are several medications available for the treatment of chapped lips, as this condition is generally known as this condition, and these medications are primarily effective in adolescents. Home remedies that can be found on the Internet can also be helpful. Only in some cases is serious medical intervention needed to treat this condition in young people.


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