
We think and build.

Health Fitness

bodybuilding for seniors

One would rarely think that as you get older it is much more important to do some bodybuilding than when you are younger. Your balance, muscles, and even the pads under your feet can disintegrate and disappear if nothing is done to improve them. People often find this out the hard way, as few will discuss how to avoid the troubles of old age. A good healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise and joint protection is part of surviving with a good quality of life.

These things are known from my age and the circumstances that brought me to a gym to improve my overall health. After sitting for years writing and not paying attention to the excess weight I was accumulating, I was surprised to be told that a blood test showed fatty liver. As a former medical student, this hit me hard because it is a precursor to cancer.

Taking a good look at myself, it was obvious that the extra weight I was unnecessarily carrying was robbing me of energy and other things. One of the worst things was my tendency to bump into anything in front of me. Once on the ground it was impossible for me to get up again and bouncing on my butt until something was reached to help me was not pleasant.

One day I fell face down in the garden and couldn’t get up with my arms to get up again. After several minutes I had no choice but to push with all my strength those stubborn muscles to get out of the situation. The arms took about a week to recover.

These kinds of things are unnecessary as a change in my lifestyle would soon prove. First, no sugar or salt was my response to the health situation. Fruit contains sugar and even that was off the menu. However, it has been reintroduced as a breakfast smoothie that replaced oatmeal and other things. Yogurt with extra protein and at least four pieces of fruit plus a stick of celery is now my go-to breakfast.

Joining a gym has been one of the best solutions to my problems. The PT trainers put me through exercises that have taken care of my balance so I don’t trip now. If and when I am on the floor, as part of the gym exercises, it is easy to get up again and in about 8 months my weight has reduced by up to 8 kilograms.

While there is still a long way to go as the weight is still too high, at least now the muscles are rebuilding in my arms and legs. The bicycle in the gym is one of the best exercises and spending half an hour a day and traveling up to 6 kilometers is beneficial.

There is another great bonus received for attending the gym. During the time to go, now there are many friends to hug and talk. Some hang out after PT sessions and we chat about things in general. This is what older people miss, especially if they live alone. All things considered bodybuilding for seniors is a definite must.


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