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Lifestyle Fashion

Five Great US Train Journeys

Amtrak’s big, shiny trains travel to major US cities and through some of the country’s most spectacular scenery. Their rugged charm sets them apart from more mundane modes of transportation and while this may not be the fastest way to…

Insomnia? – Rewire your brain to get some sleep

Why do we have problems with insomnia? Many of us think about NOT going to sleep, instead of thinking about sleeping when we hit the pillow at night. Fearful thoughts of not being able to sleep trigger the fight or…

Living a Healthy Life – The 5 Ingredients for a Healthy Lifestyle

If you’re like millions of other people in the world, you probably want to live a healthy lifestyle. While many people are able to achieve this lifestyle, there are even more who are looking for ways to improve their health….

Procrastination: what it is and what to do about it

Delay Most people, when asked if they procrastinate, nod and start telling you about all the things they’ve avoided (and continue to avoid) doing in their lives. As such, almost everyone can identify with procrastinating on certain tasks in their…

Activity to make balls of wool for children on a rainy day

Rainy days can get boring for kids, especially when they can’t go outside to play for quite some time. Have them make their own fluffy balls of yarn that they can use inside. All you need is four ounces of…

If a fragment of your life wanders free

What if apart from you I could roam free; still connected to you but free from the regiments of life you have created? Where would you go, what would interest you if no one but you knew where that part…

Is Jergens Face Creme more effective for wrinkles than coconut oil?

When it comes to moisturizing lotions, Jergens is one of those brands that you would hear about frequently. Many people have come to love Jergens for one reason or another. Some do it because it’s affordable and comes with great…

Semen Taste: How To Improve Your Semen Taste With Fresh Natural Juices

The only thing about a man is that his semen tastes sweet or sour. A man can improve the taste of his semen. What forms a man’s ejaculate is what he eats and drinks. Change this and you will change…

The Doberman Pinscher: Man’s Most Misunderstood Best Friend

Attack dogs. evil dogs. evil dogs. If someone mentions the words “Doberman Pinscher” in casual conversation, sometimes these terms come to mind. Dobermans are the bad boys of Hollywood: they chase the good guy off the bad guy’s property. They…

5 great alkaline vegetables to add to your diet

Alkaline vegetables are an essential part of maintaining the acid-alkaline balance of our body. In fact, they are the most important part. When following the alkaline diet, vegetables are the most alkalizing foods you will eat. Only alkaline drinks, like…