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Lifestyle Fashion

5 useful home remedies for cough

General coughing is completely natural and helps remove irritants or phlegm from the throat. However, a period of sustained coughing can be a problem and can be related to a variety of conditions, such as a bacterial infection, viral infection,…

Great sound bites create persuasive messages

Sound bites are ubiquitous. We hear them daily on television, radio, the Internet. But what moves a piece of sound beyond the ordinary to one that is really great? And how can you create sound bites that stand out from…

Postmodernism is the genesis of contemporary conspiracy theory

Postmodernism as a broad intellectual, social, and literary movement is difficult to capture and define, not least because of the deliberate wishes of some of its protagonists that the paradigm remain enigmatic. As many postmodernists question the practice and extension…

emotional contraceptives

We all need a certain kind of emotional bond and a sense of security about the continuing quality of our relationship in order to feel safe. It is true that sex was discovered by humans to procreate, bond, relate and…

Toronto’s Best Cafes

The city of Toronto is rich with unparalleled culture and history. The largest of all Canadian cities, Toronto is located in the southern part of Ontario, the province of which it is the capital. With a history dating back to…

White Bread: The Bodybuilder’s Enemy or Best Friend?

White bread is perhaps the most commonly consumed carbohydrate source in the United States today. Nearly every sandwich ordered at a self-serve scoreboard contains white bread, as do the garnishes at any fancy restaurant. Americans love their white bread and…

“Your” Thrush: How Native American Indians Would Have Cured It

If you have a yeast infection, you definitely want a cure or treatment. Anyone who has ever battled one of these infections can honestly attest that the entire experience was nothing short of a nightmare. It’s no secret that Native…

9 Questions to Help You Stop Divorce and Fix Your Marriage

You will learn to better manage your thoughts, attitudes, approaches, and actions in response to the happy life you want rather than in response to problems and challenges. To fix your marriage and stop a divorce, you should take a…

Does vinegar cause yeast infections or cure them?

As a medical researcher and former yeast infection patient, I am often asked about the connection between vinegar and yeast infections. Most experts agree that eating certain foods encourages yeast growth and increases the chance of an infection. But what…

Jeffrey Archer’s “Old Love” redefines the love story

Jeffrey Archer’s “Old Love” is a singular love story between two brilliant Oxford English Literature students. Archer explores the theme of love from a completely unusual point of view. The performance is fiercely honest as it portrays a chronic sense…