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Lifestyle Fashion

Apologize when we hurt our friends or associates

In every relationship there will be occasional misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Sometimes we are the ones who hurt another person we care about; sometimes we are the ones who have been hurt. Sometimes both people have been very angry with…

Top 10 Performance Makeup Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Time and time again, as a former professional dancer from New York City, I witnessed attractive young girls put on poor makeup before performances. In my 10 years of dancing, I’ve seen how ugly and bad backstage makeup skills can…

Why do I keep going back to my narcissistic emotional abuser?

When you are in a relationship with a narcissistic emotional abuser, you must remember that these individuals are very deliberate and calculated. If you are in a relationship with a narcissistic emotional abuser over the age of 30, they have…

How to attract any Mexican woman

Attracting Mexican women can be quite difficult if you don’t know what impresses them in a man. The Mexican does not think like the American, they have a different perception and thought. In this article, I will show you some…

Stay completely away from raisin sugar dissolved in boiling water for candida

Many people have heard that raisin sugar dissolved in boiling water can help get rid of candida fungus. This is a major problem in many different ways. Let’s talk about the problems with this idea. First of all, raisin sugar…

What are blackheads and how to get rid of them? The 3 main methods

This article will help everyone to know the best methods to remove blackheads from the nose and answer the question “what are blackheads?” So what are blackheads? Blackheads are clogged pores, often on the nose but can be elsewhere, appearing…

A look back at fashionable children’s clothing from the 60s, 70s and 80s

Fashion clothing for children has changed over the years. Fashionable children’s clothing reflects what is in fashion in adult clothing at the time. There have been many changes in the styles of fashionable clothing for children. Fashionable children’s clothing in…

Texts to send to your ex boyfriend that will make him come back

More than anything, you REALLY want to text her… but you have no idea what to say. Texting your ex boyfriend can be disastrous if done incorrectly. But it can also be an incredibly effective way to get her attention….

Prioritize Carbohydrates the Right Way in Your Diet

When we think of healthy eating, people think ‘carbs’ is a dirty word and won’t eat them at all. But it’s a bit more complicated than that. Do you know what carbohydrate foods are? To deepen the knowledge of carbohydrates,…

How To Make Your Ex Jealous And Want You Back In Seven Days Or Less: Undercover Psychological Tricks

Do you want to know how to make your ex jealous and want you back in seven days or less? Do you still have feelings for your ex? I know and understand how you feel. I, too, went through a…