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Lifestyle Fashion

Top 10 off the beaten path things to do in Kathmandu

If you want to see the sights but escape the tourist crowds, check out my tips for the best things to see and do, and the best time to do it. 1. Watch the sunrise over the city from Swayambunath…

Finding a pizza delivery that provides the service you want

Pizza delivery can be anything from a local national chain to Mom and Dad’s little store down the road. Before choosing a place for your weekly pizzas, you will first want to find a store that has the type that…

Yeast infection: how to treat intertrigo

The yeast responsible for developing a skin infection called intertrigo is none other than Candida ablicans. Candida ablicans likes to grow in areas where moisture is trapped, such as deep folds of the skin. Here, air circulation is limited. An…

Your marriage is over, can you relive it?

Your marriage is over, just thinking about him can be traumatic. So if you are going through a broken relationship, that you still believe you have no reason to fall apart, your situation is understandable. You still love your spouse…

Treat yeast and yeast infections holistically: foods to avoid when changing your diet

Candida is an organism that lives naturally in the gut, mouth, and genitals of a healthy body. It is kept in check by a healthy immune system and the activities of other good bacteria that are also present. Diet is…

How to accept my boyfriend after cheating on him?

The most painful thing a boyfriend can give you is a stab like a knife in your heart when he cheated on you. This often led to a breakup. But since they both had a good time before, chances are…

American Mobsters – Louis Pioggi (Louie the Lump) – The Man Who Killed Kid Twist

Louis Pioggi, affectionately called Louie the Lump, was a diminutive and elegant Italian member of the Five Point Gang, who threw himself into the spotlight one starry night in Coney Island, when he killed the life of Kind Twist, the…

Let’s get pierced!

Body piercing is a culture whose roots go back to the ancient history of mankind. The piercing procedure involves piercing a certain part of the body in order to create an opening to insert a piece of jewelry. As already…

What is the best makeup base for your skin?

When it comes to buying the best foundation for your makeup kit, most women are stumped by the number of options on the market. The best way to start your selection is to opt for those products that are clearly…

How to measure yourself for a trench coat

Thinking of buying a raincoat? They definitely make great jackets for many different reasons. However, before you go ahead and buy one, make sure you’ve taken your measurements. Here we show you how to measure yourself correctly. Arm length Measuring…