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Lifestyle Fashion

How to Protect Your Kids Against Bullying (Martial Arts Style)

Dictionary.com says, “Bully: a bully, bully, and bossy person who habitually harasses and intimidates smaller or weaker people.” Wouldn’t it be great if you could protect your children from bullying? Bullies have been in the news quite a bit lately…

Don’t stay still! Move into the new year towards your dreams!

This year is coming to an end. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? I realize that some people no longer make New Year’s resolutions. There is nothing wrong with that. You really don’t have to wait until a…

Is coconut oil effective in curing acne and reducing scars?

If you’re like me, acne has been a constant battle in your life. Acne can be completely demotivating when you wake up feeling great but then see your face break out overnight. As hard as I try, the different facelifts…

Wheatgrass juice: four reasons to drink it

When you drink live wheatgrass juice and take a shot of the fresh liquid, almost immediately the nutrients travel to the bloodstream and every cell, system and organ in the body is energized. Many people know that wheatgrass juice is…

The Basics of Detox Planning

When you detox, you want to rid your body of the toxins that make you feel tired and sick. A detox has many benefits, such as boosting your immune system and giving you more energy. It also removes brain fog….

Mind, Body and Soul: The Key to Overall Health and Wellness

In many ancient systems of medicine (such as China) treatment has been carried out with the view that mind, body and soul are united as a whole and should not be seen in isolation from each other. You cannot treat…

A lasting marital relationship begins with the right choice during singlehood

Have you ever gone to the bank to buy a pepper? How does that sound? Isn’t it interesting to know if some people do that when they are hungry? I guess the hunger gets so bad that they are no…

An Alternative To Wife Swapping: Adult Double Dating

Good, so you like your children. They’re not that bad once you get used to them. Maybe once in a while, when you’ve lost your back scratcher, you can trick the seven-year-old into doing the job for you. Your five-year-old…

Delicious foods that can cause acne

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. In addition to a good skincare routine, your skin deserves a good amount of hydration and nutrients from the food you eat. If you’re experiencing acne breakouts, it could be due…

Should you consider a hydrafacial?

One of the latest non-invasive facials that work to cleanse the skin and bring out its natural glow is the hydrafacial. This treatment works to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, mild acne, hyperpigmentation, clogged/enlarged pores, dark spots, and oily skin. This…