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Shopping Product Reviews

Specific strategies to boost your call center business

Running an operationally efficient call center that delivers a high-quality customer experience can be a difficult goal to achieve. Consumers are becoming more savvy and their expectations for quality customer service and support are constantly growing. Most corporations may view…

Small business insurance: read this quick guide before you start

All businesses, even small ones, need some form of insurance. Generally, general liability insurance is a good place to start. If you’re involved in a business that requires you to talk to customers face-to-face, whether they visit you, or you…

Video games for children – The best titles for Wii and PlayStation 3

There are some really cool video games out there for kids these days! Some of these are based on characters you probably grew up with. Others are new and fresh on the market and are sure to please. The best…

The healing sound – The sound of the lung

Anyone who studies science or physics is probably familiar with the concept of Brownian motion. What is brownian movement? Brownian motion is the random motion of particles suspended in a liquid or gas or the mathematical model used to describe…

Marketing Your Business – Most Ignored Marketing Rule #7 – More Customers Does Not Mean More Profits

Generally, if you get more customers to buy your product or service, you will make more money. The problem is what you have to do to get new customers. If you have to spend a fortune on advertising and promotion…

Doing deeds in God

DOING FEATS Daniel 11:32b – Those who know their God will be strong and do mighty deeds According to Webster, the word “feats” means an act of remarkable skill, strength, or cunning. I have always wondered, and I know I…

5 Differences Between Illusions and Intentional Action

There’s a reason we talk about New Year’s Resolutions, or buy books off the “self-help” shelf, or hire life coaches. We are not where we want to be. Yes, we may have satisfaction in some categories of our life, but…

Top 10 Tools for Java Application Developers

Currently, Java is more popular than other programming languages. It is also a programming language that is widely used by developers to create desktop GUI applications, web applications, web services, and mobile applications. But developers still need robust frameworks, IDEs,…

Humanity – Creationism, Darwinism and Now Realization

Christians all over the world readily accept creationism, Jesus the son of God, the virgin birth, the resurrection. Their acceptance is due to ‘blind faith’. Realizationism like Christianity also requires this blind faith. So an open mind is important when…

Coming Traffic Law – Biometric Identification Hieroglyphics 3D Barcodes – Future Driver’s Licenses

A few days ago, I was talking to a fellow student about the future of traffic laws and biometric ID cards. We started talking about hieroglyphs for some reason and about the ancient Egyptians. My acquaintance suggested that maybe the…