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Doing deeds in God


Daniel 11:32b – Those who know their God will be strong and do mighty deeds

According to Webster, the word “feats” means an act of remarkable skill, strength, or cunning.

I have always wondered, and I know I am not the only one, why can’t we Christians do the things that the apostles and other great men of God did? I’ve heard many reasons like, “it’s not God’s will” it’s not God’s time”….. So many reasons but out of all of them, I didn’t see any valid one. So I came to a conclusion. bible is more sensible and vital and foundational no matter what my feelings are i have heard some people argue that there are some miracles that happened in the bible that cannot happen today one of those miracles is the raising of the dead the one who thinks so he is wrong because God is not temporary, if he was resurrected then he can do it again today.

The above scripture shows us;

There are those who know God – Who are these who know God? There is a big difference between knowing God and knowing about God. All Kenyans know Kibaki, but only a few know Kibaki. What I mean is this; there is a difference between hearing from a person and actually knowing that person. When one knows about a certain person, it means that one knows his personality or character, while hearing or knowing about a person shows his reputation. No one will do exploits unless he knows God. You must have a deeper understanding of his character. For example, we will continue to stink in poverty if we don’t realize that God is happy when I am successful in whatever I do. Know what the will of God is in every corner of your life.

It will be strong: after knowing God, there will be 2 things that will happen automatically; you will be strong and do great deeds. The verb “shall” in this case is declarative. It is indicating that something must happen. After knowing God we will be strong; why? one might ask. The reason for this is that when you know the personality of God, you will realize that He can do ALL things! (For more teachings on how to know God, see my article titled “UNDERSTANDING GOD”) When we are strong, we are capable of great things. For us to be strong, we must know God.

We will do feats. I have repeatedly said that Christians are supposed to be the providers of solutions to social problems. Unfortunately, that is not the case; instead, we are the cause! It is the Christians who introduce, defend and practice abortion and homosexuality! Purely hateful!

Christianity is the channel that God has chosen to demonstrate His power on Earth. The bible tells us “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, so that you may announce the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 fart 2:9

If the Bible calls us peculiar or chosen, we should not call ourselves something else. It is a pity that a country like ours, Kenya, has more than 80% Christians, but poverty and all kinds of misfortunes are the “tourist attractions”.

how to do feat

It begins by knowing God; He quotes scripture that says “those who know…” You can’t explode if you don’t know God. How do I know God? The only way I know to get to know someone, including God, is to spend time with Him. Many Christians are very lazy and worldly. We want to explode but we don’t want to sacrifice our time. We want to watch movies, soccer and soap operas and then blow up. It can’t work that way. Start by sacrificing your time, read the bible and obey what God says. When Jesus wasn’t on a mountain praying, he was busy doing what was pious like raising the dead, healing the sick, etc. The Bible is a very good source for knowing the character of God. It shows us that He is Omnipotent, loving, caring, trustworthy, etc.

Unless we know the character of God, some things will remain history and stories to us. For example, when God says, “Instead of their shame, my people will receive a double portion, and instead of a shame, they will rejoice in their inheritance; and thus they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs.” they”. Isaac. 61:7

This scripture can tell you some of God’s traits, for example, He is a rewarder because He is giving a double portion. If a believer does not understand or believe this statement, there is nothing more God can do. I know the Bible talks about some things that seem too good to be true, but it’s not our job to determine which ones to believe. We have to remember that God has already been tested. If we can agree with God on everything he says in his word, we can walk with him all the “way” like Enoch. Enock’s personality faded as a result of walking with God without hesitation. If you want to know God, spend time with him through his word. I will not suggest going to church as the best way to know God due to the rise of heresy and false prophets. God will reveal himself to those who seek him.

The more we know God, the less fearful we will be. We will be strong in everything, even in things that seem impossible to us. When we know that God is working through us, we don’t have to worry. Many times we are afraid to do something, for example, pray for the sick because we think that we are the ones who heal, but we are wrong! God dwells richly in us! Remember that He is called Emmanuel-God with us. The more we know God, the stronger we become, when we become stronger, the things that hold us back will be lifted by our knowledge of Him! are you connecting?

– Do everything possible to know God because the more you know him, the stronger you become, and the stronger you become, the more you explode. The key is the knowledge of God.
– Salvation is not to know God but to enter into God. We have to go deeper and know the heart of it so that we can exploit it. What we do after salvation is what determines how much you know God.
– The kingdom of God has to do with violence; where there is violence, the winner wins depending on the strength. The more we strive to know God, the better “fighters” we will be.
– Because he knew God as a protector, Elisha, unlike Giezi, did not have to cry or pray. There are times to let God prove himself.

This article was written because the Holy Spirit revealed it, Printed because Jehovah Jireh provided, and we share it because Jesus is full of love. Feel free to distribute this article BUT not for commercial purposes.


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