
We think and build.


How to Avoid Wardrobe Fails and Other ‘Oops!’

It’s bad enough when you stick your foot in your mouth at a dinner party or walk out of the office bathroom with the back of your dress tucked into your underwear (no, it wasn’t me, thank goodness). It’s much…

Book Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

How many times would you come across a set of books that became best sellers only after the authors died? Not many that we know of. What makes it more interesting is the fact that this book “The Girl with…

Open Source Development: A Top Niche Platform

Open source development has been continuously prevailing in the market for several years, and software development companies around the world are spending it heavily to provide cutting-edge solutions in web-based software development, design, and development for their customers. Web. and…

How can I read someone’s text messages? Is it ethical to do it?

If you’ve wondered if it’s possible to read someone’s text messages, in this article we’ll show you how you can do it and also go over whether doing so is unethical. You may be surprised to learn how easy it…

How to see someone’s name and address from their cell phone number

Finding out someone’s name and address from their cell phone number is one of the most popular problems in the developed world today. Thanks to the lack of a central government wireless directory, many people need people’s details but don’t…

Should people from all countries have the same access to all technological developments?

Have you ever wondered about the title question above? Will it be a yes or a no? What do you think? Let’s dive into a discussion. Read on to find out. Well, people who can afford technological developments should be…

How to finance your new business

There are many creative ways to finance your business. Here are some common and creative ways to finance your business venture. family and friends 1. Write a business proposal as if you were writing one to obtain a loan from…

Franchise Marketing Basics

Mandatory centralized marketing programs are probably one of the greatest strengths of franchises. Pooling the funds of all franchisees in one system gives them much greater marketing power communally. This critical fund can be used to do things that no…

7 Steps on How to Seduce a Straight Man

So do you want to seduce a straight man? The odds, believe it or not, are really in your favor, if you know the right techniques. Seducing a straight man takes work and finesse, which makes it all the more…

Youth Soccer Teaching Zone Coverage – Slow Feet and Bad Angles

To teach young soccer players zone coverage, you need to have the image of the end result firmly embedded in their brain. Quick pass readouts, piston-like footwork, sharp drop angles, exact zone drop depth, ESP-like communication, and finally, interceptions and…