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Cure insomnia naturally with sleeping machines and other techniques

As our world becomes increasingly stressful, an increasing number of people suffer from the agitation of insomnia. Studies from the National Sleep Foundation lead researchers to believe that most people with this very real problem are the result of hectic and stressful lives. Before resorting to addictive drugs and sleep aids, try some more natural solutions that address the problem at its source.

Use a white noise machine while you sleep

A white noise machine works by creating a consistent, natural sound that drowns out intrusive noises in the environment that can interfere with falling asleep or maintaining sound sleep. The sound of a white noise machine is appealing to the human ear without being distracting and can fill the empty silence that often leads to racing thoughts of worry and anxiety.

White noise machines work by combining all the frequencies audible to the human ear and playing them simultaneously to create a soft hum. The sound is similar to that of a fan without the faint clangs or thumps. Because it contains frequencies from all ranges, the sound works to block out individual noises and distractions, such as snoring, traffic, noisy breathing, and other nighttime noises that cause sleeplessness.

Take a hot bath before bed

A hot bath has real physiological effects on the body that can help induce sleep. Warm water causes blood vessels to dilate and lowers blood pressure. When your body encounters the cooler air after bathing, your heart rate rises and then naturally drops for an hour or so, inducing drowsiness.

Try adding some lavender to your bath for added serenity. Lavender has long been used as a calming agent. Just a few drops of its deep, relaxing scent in your bathwater naturally evokes a sense of tranquility. Experiments have shown that inhaling lavender can slow down the central nervous system and increase feelings of peace.

Turn off the television an hour or two before bed

Television can be an assault on the mind and the senses. The constant barrage of stimuli on television can be a major cause of stress and restlessness. Many media messages work by consciously or unconsciously subjecting the viewer to negative side effects in order to entice us to buy the solution. The popularity of 24-hour news programs has resulted in a constant stream of problematic and often horrific information.

In many homes, the television stays on all day and is the last thing to turn off at night. Try turning off the television about an hour before you go to bed. Enjoy the peace and quiet of your home with hot, decaffeinated herbal tea and soothing music. Let the marketing messages, canned laughter, and scary images fade from your conscious mind so that when it’s time to go to bed, you’ll be relaxed and at peace.

According to numerous studies, most insomnia is caused by a stressful lifestyle and is not a medical condition. The problem with pills and sleeping pills is that they only mask the problem and become addictive, as the body requires higher dose levels to achieve the desired results. Most people who suffer from insomnia will greatly benefit from simple, healthy solutions that result in natural vitality and a balanced life.


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