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Digital Marketing

Do you want to distribute your blog post?

To syndicate your blog post, there are several popular tools. A favorite for syndicating your transfer publication is HootSuite. It’s a great way to stream to Twitter and Facebook, where you can post from your blog directly to your Facebook wall. However, you cannot post a status update directly to your fan page. To do that, you have to integrate Ping.fm. This site will actually syndicate to many other places besides Facebook and Twitter.

You must be careful when syndicating to ensure that you do not create loops, where information is referenced back and forth. Both HootSuite and Ping.fm can be used every day to syndicate your blog post. One more tool is RSS, and you will get blog posts to syndicate, but you have to choose the networks you actually plan to participate in and respond to comments. You need to “be there” for the conversation.

You can also set up automatic feeds from any of your blog posts directly to your notes on Facebook. If you’re comfortable posting your blog on Facebook, then that’s fine. You shouldn’t have multiple profiles if you have multiple Pages or multiple Twitter accounts. But if you have more than one profile you’re posting to, you can do it all through your HootSuite account.

Be careful when syndicating your blog post so that you don’t get overwhelmed when responding to comments. RSS, HootSuite, and Ping.fm let you do this because you can manage all your posts in one place. If you invest all your time in one or two good properties, you don’t need to syndicate everything. Some feel it’s a bit disingenuous to get posted when you’re not actually there. The critical step when syndicating your blog post is that when you post, you need to pay attention to each person who interacts and make those people feel special, feel noticed, and feel like they’re really there.

It is important to remember the “social” part of social networks. Syndication of your blog post is closer to broadcast. If all you do is stream with little interaction, people will eventually stop listening. You don’t want someone to hide or “unfriend” you with too much syndication of your blog posts.


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