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Four Secrets to Walking in a Great Anointing from God

You can search the books and find them. These are pretty simple to share with you, but they are much more difficult to use. Take a look at this short article if you want to know how to increase your anointing.

First Secret… Time dedicated to prayer each day.

I have known two Apostles in my life and they both spent a lot of time in prayer. One of them stayed in my two-bedroom apartment for six weeks. He used to get me up during the night to go to the bathroom and I would listen to him pray to the Lord for hours and hours every night. He sometimes woke me up twice in three hours and in silence in his room I was in fervent prayer.

Another Apostle that I have known told us that it is useless to spend less than two hours a day at the feet of the Lord if you want an anointing that has Power. It’s easy to say, but sometimes it’s very hard to do.

Second Secret… Time dedicated to the Word of God

One of the Apostles told me that an hour in the Word each day is just a maintenance dose for your personal life. He said that if you want the anointing to preach and you want to get a fresh Word, you need an hour for your personal life and extra hours to receive the messages that the Lord wants you to preach.

Both Holy Apostles I met have Bibles that have many marks, underlining, and notes on each page of their Bible. They also had extensive knowledge of what the Bible said. An Apostle says that He needs a new Bible every four years, since by then he wears them out.

Many Christians have Bibles sitting on a shelf and many of them don’t even take the Word of God to church.

Third Secret… Fasting brings a stronger anointing

One of the Apostles I met said in Asia that he preaches up to seven different sermons on a Sunday. He said that in order to have the anointing to do seven sermons he had to fast, pray and be in the Word of God all Saturday night.

This Apostle also knew how to tell people to fast for three of the four days in which he was going to deliver. He not only fasted, but he fasted people who had a demonic presence in his life. The fasting of both the Apostle and the person with the demon ensures that the demon will come out safely.

Fourth Secret… Get busy doing something for the Lord, who will need an anointing to

I heard a great teacher on the anointing say what it was very easily. He said that the anointing is simply THE POWER TO DO THE WORK. If he is not doing anything in the ministry that needs a strong anointing, then the Holy Spirit will have no reason to give it to him.

Sure you can walk every day in the presence of the Lord, through praise and worship, prayer and time in the Word, but an anointing to minister to people comes when you are needed to minister to people.

There are many things that a person can do for the Lord. God would give you a stronger anointing if you wanted to share the truths of God’s Word online in this way. If he spends time with the Lord every day and he has the gift of preaching, he can write articles that keep people reading until they finish.

Reading teachings made by people without a strong anointing is hard to do. Any preacher can have a weak anointing by neglecting these four things in his life. A pastor can be so busy that he doesn’t have time to seek the feet of the Lord. When a pastor is not operating in the power of the anointing, not only will his sermons lack power, but the pastor finds his job difficult to do.

So, brothers and sisters, go and seek the upper anointing of God and get busy doing the work of the ministry.

To be hurt

Matthew Robert Payne


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