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Lifestyle Fashion

Get rid of cellulite in 5 easy steps

What woman has not at some point in her life looked in the mirror horrified by the discovery of the familiar and unsightly “orange peel” appearance of cellulite around the hips, thighs and buttocks? Very few of us could be lucky enough to raise our hands and say “it has never happened to me!” and they are a very fortunate minority.

In addition to being a very common problem for both the slim and the more generous, cellulite is also a typical complaint of women and is very rare in men. This is due to the very nature of cellulite, which is a consequence of fat and toxins being stored in cells directly under the skin, causing the typical orange peel effect. Women’s fat cells are very different from men’s fat cells. In women, the chambers containing fat cells are larger than in men and are also more numerous. The percentage of normal fat in the body of a woman is between 21% and 35%, while in the body of a man it is between 8% and 25%.

As for almost everything else, getting rid of cellulite is the result of a holistic approach that takes into consideration what happens inside the body (causes) and also outside (symptoms), where cellulite shows its dreaded presence. So, here are my 5 steps to get rid of cellulite, get healthier, and improve your self-esteem:

1. Hydrate properly

two. TOapply a combination of essential oils

3. Promote oxygen circulation

Four. Prepair delicious and healthy meals

5. Yearn for a good daily walk.

1. Hydrate properly. Our body is composed of up to 75% water, which is essential for all vital functions of the system, including the elimination of toxins, which are part of the cellulite problem along with fat. The minimum daily intake of water that we need is, more or less, one liter of water for every 30 kilos of body weight. If you live in a hot climate, or if you exercise or feel unwell, your daily amount of water should increase to make up for the water you lose through perspiration, sweating, and internal cleansing (when you are sick). A very important factor, which is often overlooked when talking about water intake, is that for our body to use water intake in the most efficient way, we need salt. For the water to enter the cells and carry excess fats and toxins, it is essential to have salt and start the osmosis process that favors the exchange of water inside and outside the cells and therefore the elimination of toxins. For more detailed information on what salt to use, see my previous article “Is Salt Good or Bad for You?”

2. Apply a combination of essential oils. There are several essential oils that are very useful to increase blood circulation, as well as to combat fluid retention and lymphatic congestion: rosemary, black pepper, geranium, sage, grapefruit, cypress, lavender, helichrysum and patchouli. When preparing an essential oil blend, always remember that all oils made from citrus fruits are photosensitive, which means they can cause irritation if used up to 6 hours before sun exposure. Choose the essential oils that appeal to you the most and add them to a carrier oil (I use apricot and rosehip oil) and massage the area of ​​skin showing cellulite in circular motions that go up towards the heart. You can also use a soft brush in the same way to massage the lymphatic vessels and improve blood circulation on the surface of the skin. I make my own cellulite mix with added DMSO for better skin penetration and a teaspoon of “sole”, a Himalayan crystal salt and water solution.

3. Promote oxygen circulation. In other words, take a deep breath, possibly while relaxing and 15 minutes to yourself, in the morning when you wake up is the best time. Find a nice place where you won’t be disturbed for 15 minutes. Face the sun if you have the luxury of a sunny day, close your eyes and breathe deeply, enjoying the air that passes through every cell of your body. Breathe in positive thoughts and breathe out all your worries, anxiety, and stress. Stress has a great impact on the congestion of fats and toxins that cause cellulite.

4. Prepare delicious and healthy meals. Increase your intake of fresh fruits, raw salads, greens, nuts, and seeds while trying to be conservative with dairy products, meat, and processed sugar (such as cakes, cookies, and ice cream). Something very important to remember is that our body only has one signal that indicates both thirst and hunger. Many people who have weight problems tend to respond to this “call” by eating first. A good rule of thumb is to drink a couple of glasses of water when you first feel “hungry”. Wait 15-20 minutes and then eat something. You will find that you eat less food in total, and you will probably also feel less prone to eating junk food. Also pay attention to the combination of foods you prepare. The excellent combinations are:

Protein (such as meat, fish, and eggs) and no starchy vegetables (lettuce, mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, and green beans, to name a few);

Starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, squash, peas, carrots, beans, and corn) with protein Y no starchy vegetables.

Grain (such as pasta, bread and millet) with no starchy vegetables

5. Yearn for a good daily walk. The best exercise you can do to combat cellulite is cardiovascular exercise, which keeps your blood circulation moving and your lymphatic system active.

And last but not least, be HAPPY, smile more often, be kind to yourself and others, think positive, make sure you always have the sun in front of you so that the shadows, worries, doubts, anxiety and fear are left behind. you. Stress is a major factor, not only for cellulite, but also for heart disease and many other ailments. A positive life, on the other hand, strengthens the immune system and prepares it to fight disease. I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t feel angry, sad, or worried. All of these feelings are important and must be expressed. However, staying angry, sad and worried long after the causes of those feelings disappear only hurts the people who live in them, weakening the immune system and causing nothing but pain. Smile often, appreciate the beautiful little things that make your day, and let your loved ones know that you love them and treasure their presence around you …

Lastly, share this information with the man in your life. Even if you don’t have as much cellulite as we do, the five steps we just described, which are part of a holistic approach, will benefit everyone. Plus, it will be easier for you to improve your diet and exercise program if you have someone to do it with you, and it will be great for both of you!


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