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Get together – It’s dinner time

Everyone knows the importance of family mealtime. Dining together gives you a chance to talk about your day and stay connected. It can also help families make healthier food choices and communicate better. It can be difficult to find time in everyone’s busy schedule to sit all together, but it is something that needs to be done as often as possible. Try to involve each family member at dinner time so that it is something everyone can share at the end of a long day.

Even though younger children can be difficult when it comes to putting dinner on the table, they should be included in the family mealtime. Don’t give them their dinner separately before others eat; including them in food will make them feel like a big boy or girl. Eating with everyone else can also help young children improve their table manners. Don’t worry if they make a mess, but be sure to mark the line when playing with your food.

Make sure the whole family watches their dinner manners by doing things like sharing and passing food rather than reaching across the table. Make sure everyone says “please” and “thank you” and apologizes before leaving the table, and encourages conversation by making sure everyone waits for their turn to speak. You would be surprised how interesting the conversation can be if you respect each other and each other’s opinions.

Even before mealtime, get your children involved in preparing food. Help younger children add toppings or choose their favorite dessert. Kids who are a little older can set the table or even make an easy side dish for the whole family. Create dinner traditions by having pasta night or pizza night to make your own pizza. If your child has a culinary specialty, even cereal, let him take a look from time to time. This will boost your confidence and increase your interest in dinner time.

The meal also doesn’t end just because the meal ran out. Everyone should take turns doing the dishes each night. Maybe an older sibling can wash while Mom or Dad help dry the younger one. Family members who aren’t working on the plate can take it upon themselves to tidy up the kitchen or keep the family entertained with a new joke or story they’ve heard. Have someone put your favorite late night game show like Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune on TV or radio and keep track of who answers the most questions correctly.

Even if you can’t find the time in your schedule to have family dinners every night, you should try to make it a tradition at least once a week, even if it means you have to go out to eat because you don’t have time. to make dinner or have breakfast together instead. The importance is not what or when you eat, but that you spend time together as a family.


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