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Guidelines for Replacing a Bathroom Vanity

Give your bathroom a makeover by replacing a bathroom vanity. It’s about time you trade in your out-of-order and old-looking vanity. If you find it difficult to install, here are some guidelines to help you with your task.


1. Place a bucket under the sink to prevent water from dripping and flooding the floor.

2. Be sure to turn off the water supply and turn off the valve under the sink. An alternative is to close the main water valve.

3. Scrape countertop with a utility knife to loosen caulking. This is located between the wall and the dresser.

4. Be sure to handle the knife with care. Otherwise, you may damage the wallpaper or possibly cut yourself.

5. Loosen and remove the screws that hold the vanity to the wall. Use a screwdriver to make it easier. After which, carefully remove the countertop. Pull slowly to avoid damaging the wall. If you can’t handle the job yourself, it’s best to ask someone for help.

6. Determine the dimensions of your new dresser and mark the area where you will place it. Use a level so it is balanced when attached to the wall. Once everything is ready, screw your new vanity to the wall. Use wall studs to secure the screws and make it stable.

7. Fix the countertop with the vanity by applying putty.

8. Reconnect the water pipes and test it. Turn on the water and check for leaks. Use Teflon tape to seal the water lines and make them airtight.

9. Apply a bead of caulking around all edges of the countertop.

Replacing a bathroom vanity can be a simple and easy task. This is true, as long as you know the correct way to do it.


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