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Neuro-linguistic programming: a natural way to improve eyesight

Through technological and scientific milestones, many diseases and conditions are cured and improved. Through laser technology, cataracts can be removed and kidney stones can be removed in a matter of minutes. In fact, more and more people are enjoying healthier and more fulfilling lives thanks to these medical advances.

However, despite medical and scientific advances, many people are still wary of undergoing surgery or taking recently approved medications. Some people still prefer to exhaust all natural forms of healing and self-improvement before going under the knife. People tend to be more careful when performing medical procedures when it comes to their eyes.

Although laser light technology has been available for the last several years, many people with vision problems are still reluctant to undergo such treatment. Instead, more people are more comfortable and tolerant of natural healing processes, such as neuro-linguistic programming.

What is NLP?

Neurolinguistic Programming, or NLP, is a field of study that focuses on the assumptions that sounds, images, ideas, and other sensory cues fed into the unconscious mind can help a person achieve excellence. NLP believers assume that through verbal instructions a subjective perception of reality can be altered or changed for the better.

How can NLP help improve eyesight?

NLP practitioners view sight as a subjective experience. Therefore, verbal impulses fed to the unconscious mind can help improve poor vision.

Many people experience the loss of something, such as their car keys, eventually finding them in places where they are used and have already been searched. To illustrate, if you left your car keys on top of your microwave, instead of near the phone, where it’s usually placed, you won’t be able to find your keys on top of the microwave, even if you looked for your keys there. According to NLP practitioners, people tend not to see things in unexpected and unusual places, in this case, on top of the microwave oven.

The key to improving your eyesight naturally is through exercises that help and enhance your senses. People who wear glasses often find themselves dependent on such gadgets because they have become accustomed to the help of glasses for perfect vision.

Just as physical therapy is used to help people use their limbs again, eye exercises can also help improve poor vision. Simply follow the exercises listed below regularly and in no time you will see a huge improvement in your eyesight.

tibetan wheel

You can eliminate astigmatism by exercising underused muscles in your eyes. The Tibetan wheel, when performed at least twice a day, could help improve the flexibility of all the eye muscles.

Attach the Tibetan wheel to a wall, making sure its center point is at the same height as your nose. Without glasses or contact lenses, position yourself right in front of the wheel, a few steps away. Make sure you can comfortably see the graph from where you are. Then walk closer to the board as your eye muscle becomes even more flexible.

Once your eyes have adjusted, slowly move them clockwise towards the outside of the chart. Then use your eyes slowly to trace the outer edge of the graph, until you get to the point where you started. Don’t strain your eyes too much; stop when you feel exhausted or dizzy.

Relaxation technique with the palms of the hands

Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet on the floor. Then vigorously rub your palms together. Then place your cupped palms over your closed eyes. Rest the heels of your palms at the bottom of your eye socket. Now, think of black velvet and pay attention to its color and weave.

Both of the exercises mentioned above will help exercise your eye muscles and help your eyes feel relaxed. The more you do these exercises, the more you will experience clearer vision.


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