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Health Fitness

How do I get the upper chest line? For large and defined pectorals

The chest is one of those show muscles that everyone wants to get. The bigger, wider and more defined the chest, the better. It’s the main frontal muscle that everyone will see, no matter if you’re wearing a t-shirt. The upper chest line will even be visible from the top opening of the shirt, revealing a large, defined chest underneath. But how do you go about getting that upper chest line? It’s one of the hardest parts of your chest to hit, this article will show you how.

Build the chest as a whole.

The reason people get that great looking line that splits between the pectoral muscle is because they have an overall well built chest. They have built it up so much in muscle mass that they naturally get that line.

This means training your chest with the right exercises and strengthening it with proper nutrition. Once you’ve gained significant amounts of muscle mass, you’ll naturally get that upper chest line you’re looking for.

Do exercises that work.

There are many exercises for the chest, the most common being the bench press for the chest only, but as a bodybuilding exercise in general. The only problem is that it is not the best exercise for the chest. The bench press actually activated the triceps and front shoulders a lot more, taking the stimulation out of the chest.

Then there are isolation exercises like dumbbell flyes. These are great for hitting your chest muscles directly, but they don’t allow a lot of weight to be used, which won’t create a very big anabolic response from your body.

The best exercise for your chest is a hard bodyweight exercise. Dips are the best exercise for overall chest development, and surprisingly, they will work extremely well on the upper half of your pecs. The key is to do them correctly.

A lot of people do close grip dips with elbows together, this will mostly hit the triceps. To really hit the pecs you need to extend your grip to over 30 inches, once you do this you will really feel it in your chest. So you want to make sure to keep your elbows as far apart as possible. Lower and give your chest a good stretch, then squeeze your pecs on the way up. This will completely remove your chest muscles.

Do dips with every chest workout, focus only on them. Try to increase your reps each week, you may only be able to get 1 more rep each week as it is a difficult exercise. Stay consistent for a few weeks and you’ll be amazed at the development of that inner pectoral line.


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