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How to keep your girlfriend attracted long term

On the one hand…
Keeping your girlfriend attracted to you in your relationship is very important.
If she is more attracted to you, she will enjoy being with you much more and will be a better girlfriend for you.

On the other hand…
Keeping your girlfriend attracted to you is FUNDAMENTALLY important to having a healthy relationship that lasts over time.

Simply put, if she is not attracted to you, she will eventually cheat on you or leave you. If she’s too nice to hurt you like that, she’ll stay, but she’ll go into her shell, she won’t enjoy being with you, and she’ll keep thinking of other guys who are much more attractive than you.

Long-term attraction is a great foundation for a great relationship. Your sex is better, your love is better, your life is better.

But wait…

Keeping your girlfriend attracted to a relationship involves several things that you need to keep in mind.

Find out where your wife sees you as a coward and turn it around.

No man is perfect. We all have areas where we are not attractive to women. Don’t blame yourself for that, because for the most part, women are very forgiving about it.

They don’t expect you to ever be a coward, but they definitely want to see that you’re doing your best to be a good man.

Some common ways men make women lose attraction:

they are insecure
They are stuck in life, and they are not doing anything about it.
they complain too much
They lose their composition at the wrong time and look like cowards.
They are too submissive in the relationship.
They have a weak spine, without integrity.
They are not authentic: they wear a false mask, they are too afraid to express themselves in a vulnerable way.
They do not face the things of life, they avoid like cowards.

If you do any of these, or do something else, then your girlfriend isn’t as attracted to you as she could be, and you can fix it. This is how you do it:

1. Acknowledge your flaws. This is not a sign of weakness but of strength. It takes a strong man to admit his own weaknesses. Also, the only way to convince your girlfriend that your behavior will change is for you to admit that you were wrong. If you’re in denial, she’ll think you’ll never change.

2. Express that you are very upset about letting yourself down. This will let him know that you have standards that you meet… Attractive stuff.

3. Promise to never be wrong again. When I say vote, I mean vote. Swear by all that is sacred to you. She must believe that you are going to change, otherwise it won’t work.

4. Assert yourself as the man. I recommended my friend to passionately fuck his girlfriend in his bed for him to re-establish himself as the man he was upset about losing… you can do that or something that clearly shows you are back on track. This could be sex, a bold show of courage, or maybe you jumpstart an amazing adventure. Whatever the case, after acknowledging his flaws, you have a small window of opportunity to PROVE that he is the new man he claims to be. If you affirm your manhood right now, she will believe you and act accordingly.

It is important to remember that it is VERY hard to change what people think of you. This method will work, but once you’ve buried the ax in your mistakes, you need to act to move on. If you take this opportunity to rise to the occasion, she will be much more attracted to you and your relationship will be stronger on all levels.


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