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How to use Google AdWords for business development

AdWords was first launched on August 23, 2000 as an online advertising platform under the Google flagship developed by Bill Gross. Salar Kamangar was responsible for the creation and development of the AdWords concept. He was the first commercial employee at Google and oversees the creation of the AdWords product.
Google AdWords is an online tool developed by Google by which you can promote various services and products in the online market to attract more crowds to your domain. It helps providers of products and services to answer the question “do you know what the consumer is looking for?” The search provided as a result is detailed as it also tells us about the average number of searches for a particular requirement over a considerable period of time.
Google AdWords is widely used by digital marketers to rank websites by finding keywords for a certain project. It also suggests us more alternative keywords for better page setup. The suggestions provided by the application are also accommodated with the number of times they are searched, as well as the period of time they have been considered.
Google AdWords is also a paid source of advertising. AdWords has become Google’s number one source of revenue, contributing to Google’s total advertising revenue in 2017. AdWords offers services under a pay-per-click (PPC) pricing model. Many entrepreneurs enable this service whereby they pay Google in exchange for each click that consumers make to reach their website through the Google search engine.
The AdWords program includes local, national and international distribution. These ads are presented by Google in text, image and video format.
Google AdWords is now the leading online advertising establishment and provides a foundation for students to help them understand the concept of a digital marketplace.
It has been the basis of digital marketing, as it helps in the search for keywords. You can login with Gmail ID as everything is under the Google flagship.
Features of Google Ads
1. Google gets 33% of all online ad revenue (38.6bn of 117.6bn)
2. The average click-through rate for a Google ad is 3.16%
3. An ad in the first search position has an average click-through rate of more than 7%
4. Number of businesses advertising on the Google Search Network: over 1.2 million
5. Number of sites that are part of the Google Ad Display Network: more than 1 million
6. YouTube (part of the Google Ad Display Network) has a monthly audience equivalent to about 10 Super Bowl audiences
7. An ad on the YouTube homepage costs, on average, $400,000
8. There are at least 300,000 mobile apps currently serving Google mobile ads.
9. Mobile phone listings work: 70% of mobile searchers call a business directly from Google Search
10. 33% of all Google search clicks are generated through mobile devices
11. PPC ad spending increased 12% year over year in Q4 2013
12. Google AdWords click-through rates increased 25% in Q4 2013 compared to Q4 2012
13. Between December 2012 and December 2013, there was a 27% increase in total AdWords spend
14. In 2014, 72% of Google AdWords marketers plan to increase their PPC budgets
15. Online marketing, including PPC ads, is 54% successful at generating leads
16. Local TV advertising (on the other hand), has a 1% success rate in generating leads.
17. Businesses earn an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on AdWords.
18. If there is no column to the right, 45.5% of people cannot tell the difference between organic and paid search results.
19. “Safe” is the most expensive AdWords keyword. It costs, on average, $54.91 per click
20. The Google Display Network serves 180 billion impressions (views) each month, which is about 6 billion per day


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