
We think and build.


If you were told that you only had a few months to live, how would your children remember you?

I know this may cause a problem with some of you, but I keep seeing this over and over again in my business, working mothers and missing children. I feel strongly that the American family is broken. We have more kids in trouble at ridiculously young ages. Yelling for attention? Yelling to be heard? Pregnant at 12, in jail for murder at 8? Come on people, there is a reason here! We are! OUR FAULT! They have no address. Families need at least two incomes to survive. Children are left to wander the streets or watch bad TV shows and music videos, and this becomes their compass.

It’s time we all realized that ADD, ADHD, emotional problems, and anger issues can all be reduced if we go back and make the decision to raise our own children. Be at home. Give structure. Give discipline. Make dinner. Eat together. Discuss dreams, values, and goals together. Sounds a bit like the 50’s all over again, doesn’t it?

I am a career consultant. I work with many women who have made the decision to have children and then need to get back to work as soon as possible to survive. Because of this, our children are suffering. In the end, our society will pay a price unimaginable just a few years ago.

Consider this; their leaders in a few years are the kids who have grown up and been raised by MTV, vampire movies, violent video games, and horror. They have been eating fast food, most of them are overweight, suffer from ADD, ADHD, anger issues and emotional problems due to low self esteem and bad diets.

Come on ladies, if you’re going to get pregnant and give birth to a little person, you better make a commitment to honor and raise her. Because if you screw that up, she will follow you forever! I know. I worked and was a single parent for much of my daughter’s young life. She today she is 25 years old and has no address. I spent most of my time struggling and trying to be the best young talent executive instead of the best mom. Now, at 43, I see the damage my chaos caused. I see the repercussions every day in my daughter’s life. Her inability to reason and her rights issues are a constant concern.

So how do we fix it?

Ages 0-3. This is a vital time for mom to be home. If she must work outside the home, do so after the child is 3 years old. Next, make sure you have a structure that provides security and consistency for your child. Be predictable for your children. Most importantly, be responsible. Do not dissapear!

There are several ways a working mom or dad can work and still be home and available to their children. I work with some great people who have great ideas and I’m sure your kids will benefit. Now I know this isn’t from the ’50s. And I know I’ve struck a chord with some of you. I also know that we live in a world that demands change. We must carve a new path as soon as possible. Where we are will lead to our demise. We can no longer afford to fail or depend on big business and employers. This is no longer our security. It is time to build our life and our future ourselves. Create a future for our children that we can be proud of. Leave them a legacy and memories that don’t stop at X Box!


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