
We think and build.

Digital Marketing

Minimum feasible scope – accommodate clients’ budget without compromising your rate or integrity

As a coach, consultant, service professional, or freelancer, this has probably happened to you before: You spoke to a potential client who was just perfect.

You knew you could do magic together and you offered your package.

She really wanted to work with you in any capacity, but financially your “regular” package just wasn’t possible no matter how she cut and cut the numbers.

You know enough not to discount your service (congratulations!) But it hurts you that you can’t work with this client.

Caught between a rock and a hard place … what to do?

Most of the potential clients who ask about working with me are really amazing people.

They show so much passion and conviction in their emails that many times I just want to jump up and down the screen and give them a hug.

Since I stopped doing that “free strategy session,” we just talked on the phone to see how best to work together.

It takes us about 20 minutes to discover the real challenge and show them what their golden threads are, that is, how to talk about “what they do and how they do it”. (This clarity alone could be worth a 4-week training pack.)

8 times out of 10, they are ready to roll.

The other 2 times they had a little budget problem.

They want my magic, but the numbers don’t allow them to get the full money.

I really want to work with them and you guessed it, no discounts.

Enter Minimum Viable Range to make everyone happy.

I can work with gold star clients who appreciate my work. Clients get enough of the magic to help them peel off. All done with appreciation and integrity.

How does it work?

First, keep in mind that this is NOT about discounts. It’s about adjusting the scope to meet a budget.

But then you are not simply removing things from the list until the deliverables fit within your customer’s bucket of money.

The tight scope should deliver the unique result it provides, albeit in smaller doses.

I know a lot of big wig trainers teach about package creation and not about “trading hours for dollars”, which is fine by me (for everyone their own, right?) But the didactic “all or nothing” form The one they are talking to could be preventing you from doing your best work and making the most impact.

I’m just saying … critical thinking, we need it. It is not a guru box.

Here’s how the Minimum Viable Range works for me:

1. Define the minimum range so that you can deliver your magic

There are probably certain things you need to do to lay the groundwork before anything else happens. No matter how you adjust the scope, this part must be intact so that you can deliver your work with integrity.

To do that, you must first be clear about “what you do and how you do it” and be able to articulate how you add value to your customers.

For me, the critical component is clarity. I wouldn’t write a single word until I know for sure that my clients have the clarity and message that they can commit to. I need to hear the emotion in his breath and the conviction in his voice.

My only selling point is “copywriting with clarity coaching built into the process” (meaning you don’t need to hire a coach and then sweat out hiring a copywriter who will dilute everything anyway), if I pull out the (psychic- very efficient) a bit of clarity, so honestly, you don’t have to hire me.

2. Explain to clients what they don’t get with this modified scope

It’s only fair that clients don’t get the full benefits of working with you without monty’s complete package, and you just have to be honest in setting expectations.

For example, when clients work with me in a narrow scope, they lose the “economy of scale” (I still have to spend the same amount of time to establish the basis for clarity, but it would apply to a smaller number of deliverables.) Also When they do a series of pages in one go, the copy will be more cohesive than when we do it piecemeal over time.

3. Take responsibility as an expert

You are the expert and it is your responsibility to structure the project on behalf of your clients.

You may need to help them prioritize and think creatively to get the most out of the process.

If you just can’t deliver your magic within the budget your client has at their disposal, don’t do anything by halves. Be prepared to say no and walk away.

4. Stay within reach

I know it’s tempting to keep going when you’re on a hot streak. But keep budget and scope in mind.

If you’re charging a flat fee, don’t just “throw it away” because you’re doing it anyway. That is a poor limit and it is not fair to your other customers.

If you’re charging an hourly rate, don’t add a deliverable and bill for the hours without explaining and getting customer approval.

This Minimum Viable Range concept may or may not work for what you do. Regardless of how you structure your service, it should be about delivering your best work with integrity, not selling more stuff to earn extra money.

Try it for size and discern for yourself if that is beneficial to you and your clients.


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