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Natural ways to cure yeast infection

Are you looking for natural ways to cure candidiasis in 12 hours?

I used to get thrush on a regular basis and it was very, very frustrating. Through tried and true research, I have found natural ways to cure yeast infection that actually eliminate symptoms in just 12 hours. Now I will pass this knowledge on to you!

* Provide extra scrub panties if already infected. As a preventative measure, rub the crotch of your panties with fragrance-free detergent before putting them in the wash. Natural ways to cure yeast infection means staying away from fabric softener that irritates soft skin.

* You can also boil infectious yeast. You can boil your briefs or soak them in bleach for 24 hours before wearing them again to kill the infectious yeast. Wash with fragrance-free soap before use.

* It can also kill infectious yeast with the help of heat, that is, yeast (Candida) can be killed when the panties come into contact with a hot iron.

* Starch is the ideal medium for growing mushrooms. Since nearly all after-bath powders are starch-based, you’re supporting an infection when you use a dusting powder. Try to keep dust away from panties.

* Apply an over-the-counter vaginal medication. There are some places you just can’t scratch (at least in public) and this is one of them. While the medications recommended by your doctor work to get rid of the fungus, you can still use natural ways to cure the yeast infection and relieve itching with an OTC like Benadryl or Cortaid. Or apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream around the vulva and vaginal opening to reduce itching. Just another one of the natural ways to cure yeast infection.

* Say no to chemical toners. A sure way to intensify an already delicate condition is to add chemicals to your dormant yeast infection. Natural ways to cure yeast infection means staying away from douches, birth control jellies, foams and sprays, yeast-killing tablets, and feminine deodorants.

* Prepare yourself a therapeutic bath. The sitz bath is a substitute for the shower. Fill a shallow tub with hot water, and then do one of the following.

— Add salt (enough to make the water taste salty, about 1/2 cup) to match the body’s normal salt status.

— Add vinegar (1/2 cup) to maintain vaginal pH at 4.5

— Now, sit in the water, with your knees apart, until you feel comfortable. The bathroom will raise awareness.

* Spermicides are an additional chemical to ban the vagina, especially if you are prone to infections. If you plan to use a spermicide at some point during intercourse, place the spermicide inside the tip of the condom reservoir where it can do what it’s supposed to do.

* Natural ways to cure candidiasis says that perfumes are meaningless. Select simple, fragrance-free personal products. Perfumes and deodorants in tampons and sanitary napkins can anger or trigger another bout of vaginitis.


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