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Network Marketing Lessons Learned From Marching Bands

My daughter participated in the band during her four years in high school. As she thought about the many things she was taught, I realized how many of her lessons could be applied to network marketing.

The marching band has several focuses, one of which is winning competitions. They practice and prepare to compete. To prepare, they get together as a group and begin to learn their music. In network marketing, it is important that you start learning about the company you joined and the products that you will be selling.

The group would spend hours together practicing, but then they would also go out and share a meal or go out to see a movie. In network marketing, it’s important that you connect with your team in more ways than just business. Find ways to connect outside of business. This is what will form a true relationship.

As the group began to practice, they would work to help showcase their strengths and improve weaknesses. As a team leader, you’ll also want to focus on the strength of each team member and focus on what they bring to the team.

Each member of the band had their own drill and was responsible for learning their drill and then coming together as a team and performing as a group. You’ll find that each of your customers will bring you a small portion of the total sales you make each month, and each team member will also contribute to the overall success of your group.

When the day of competition came around, the team would compete against many other teams in the county or state. The team was judged in many categories and would try to win as many categories as they could. Your network marketing team will be “competing” with other teams across the country. Your team will need to be competitive in sales, recruiting, and raises.

By watching a marching band prepare and then perform in competition, many lessons can be learned for your network marketing business.


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