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The most common mobile app development tools

The development of mobile applications has been defined as one of the main technical advances in today’s world. The development of a mobile application depends on several factors: the budget, the customers and the demand for a specific application. From…

BatMUD game review

BatMUD is a text-based RPG where the scenarios are developed in words and it is up to the player’s imagination to fully experience the game. It is like an interactive book only that you can make the decisions yourself when…

The Truth About Tax Resolution Fees

Within the tax resolution industry, there are a variety of fee models that you should be aware of. Different fee models have different possibilities for abuse by the company offering the services, and it is important to do your due…

Natural Homemade Skin Care Tips for Attractive Skin

In the world of beauty, skincare products that claim to be the best in the world are emerging almost daily. Advertising is everywhere, everyone claims that your wonderful products will take away years of age and make you look younger…

A car proven by history

A car proven by history, the Corvette has been tested by time, and by the racing history of its lineage this car has without a doubt withstood all the tests it has been subjected to, oh yes it had its…

No marketing ROI in your small business? Here’s how to fix it

If you are a small business owner, you know how difficult it is to run all aspects of your business. Marketing is the backbone of any business when it comes to growth. Unlike large companies, small startups have to work…

10 days of shopping for Christmas

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays on the planet. And, with only 10 days of Christmas shopping, we can make this a festive season without spending a fortune, giving to everyone and doing it everybody! A simple quote…

Common differences between anime and cartoons

Japanese anime is different from cartoons. While both are cartoons that can be animated, anime generally has visually distinct characteristics for the characters and a “limited animation” style to represent movement. There is a difference between cartoons and Japanese anime….

Fast Food and Calories

Here in the age of technology and information, we have more knowledge and advancements than ever before in history. Sixty years ago, who would have thought that you could send an instant message over a phone, let alone take a…

Trademark Registration: Color Me Protected!

Color markings are markings that consist solely of one or more colors used on particular objects. For marks used in connection with goods or products, the color may cover the entire surface of the goods, or only a part of…