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Should I call my ex boyfriend on his birthday? Tips you may not like

You are guilty! you know you are. You are one of those women who will find any excuse to get in touch with their ex, right? I’ve been there, most women have. It seems we can’t let that man go. He’s really the one we always imagined we’d end up with. But something went wrong, a breakup happened, and now you are pining for him. You know better. You know it’s useless for you to call him and then hang up after hearing his voice and you know you’re doing nothing but wasting your time sitting outside his apartment waiting to catch a glimpse of him. You probably tell yourself there’s nothing wrong with that, right? You know that’s not true. Now that his birthday is coming up, you have a question on your mind: “Should I call my ex boyfriend on his birthday?” Guess what I suggest you do? That’s right, I’m going to tell you to stay away from the phone.

Calling your ex boyfriend on his birthday might seem like a perfect opportunity to have some idle talk with him while you wait for him to suddenly come to his senses and want you back. That’s all fairytale thinking, ladies. The reality paints a much clearer picture. If you call your ex and wish him well on his birthday, you are setting yourself up for great pain and disappointment. This is why. Either he’s going to call the screen and don’t answer because he wants to avoid awkward encounters with his ex on her special day, or he’s going to pick up and the entire conversation will be filled with long pauses and comments about the weather and work. You can’t expect an old flame to welcome you with open arms just because you call them to say you want them to have a great day.

This is what you should be doing when his birthday rolls around. You can pretend you don’t remember. This can really work very well in your favor if you play it right. By that I mean you let her actual date of birth slip by without any contact and then a few days later you send her a short text wishing her a belated happy birthday. What this does is show him that his world still doesn’t revolve around him. Even if he does, you never want him to know.

The other approach you can take on your birthday is to simply send the text on the actual day. It shouldn’t say anything other than “Happy Birthday.” No pet names like baby, darling, or darling and absolutely no mention of how much you miss him or how you can’t live without him. This is a time when it is imperative to keep it short and sweet. If he doesn’t respond, don’t worry.

Self control is the best gift you can give your boyfriend and indeed yourself on his birthday. No one, male or female, wants to share their life with someone who is emotionally immature or incapable of coping with a breakup. If you don’t make a big deal out of his birthday, you’ll be showing him that it’s just another day of the week for you. This way you will keep your self-esteem intact and there is nothing more important than that.


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