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Start Online Radio Streaming: 3 Tips

The World Wide Web is a great place for a radio station – the reach is global and the costs are lower. Here are some tips to help you start your online radio broadcast:

Tip No. 1

Create a plan. Find out what you need. Do you want to broadcast a station or several stations? Do you need a 25MB or 2GB storage space? Do you want to stream a playlist? What kind of customization options would you like to have?

Calculate the monetary costs to achieve your goal. The cost of Internet radio will include the price of the service plan you choose to use and the costs of the equipment.

Required equipment includes: microphones; CD player; mixer; encode; assorted mixer, recorder / editor; audio card; outboard audio equipment. You may already have some of this equipment, and depending on your needs and broadcast equipment, you may not need to upgrade.

Tip No. 2

Find a good audio streaming platform. You know what you need and now you can find a service that meets your needs. Don’t settle for a service that’s cheap but has a bad reputation. Find a service that offers quality at affordable prices. Depending on your needs, you can find a free plan to start online radio streaming.

Here are some of the things to look for when looking for good service:

Storage space – As a broadcaster, you must have enough storage space for your audio content. Don’t select a plan that is cheap but compromises storage space, because if your content is accessed too frequently, you may run out of storage space.

Personalization options – the amount of control you have over your station is something to consider too, even if you’re just looking to start a small station to share some of your homemade audio content. Personalization options allow you to create your own identity and benefit from your station. These options include customizing the station and customizing the audio player. See if the service allows you to benefit from your station through advertising. Check compatibility with iOS and Android; the option of station distribution and customer service.

Tip No. 3

Select the most suitable service. During your search, you may find service plans that don’t fit your needs, but seem attractive enough to give them a try. Think about your end goal and select the plan that best suits that goal.


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