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The importance of permission-based email marketing

According to a Merkle report, permission-based email accounted for about a quarter of the time a person spends with email, second only to emails that are personal communications with family and friends. The opposite of that, however, is that 75 percent of those who participated in the study said they opted out of receiving permission emails because the emails lack relevance; 73 percent said they opted out because the emails were being sent too frequently, according to the report.

So where is the fine line drawn? How do you build a powerful, permission-based email database of key contacts and then feed them timely, relevant information, instead of getting qualified email contacts only to lose their interest due to perceived negatives? by recipients? The key to email marketing success is finding the balance, simply because this medium should be the cornerstone of your marketing mix.

How to Build a Subscription Email List: For starters, building a subscription email list provides a base of qualified leads that you can nurture and build relationships with. Customers and prospects who visit your website and like what they see are more inclined to join an email list at that time because they want more of what you have to offer. These visitors are the very people you want to target, much more qualified than buying a third-party list, especially since email addresses change quite frequently. Also, those who sign up on your website, or sign up twice via confirmation email, are genuinely interested in your products and services, so there’s a strong chance of converting these leads into sales. and regular customers. The other downside of third-party lists is that you have no idea how many emails these contacts are receiving, from companies other than your own. With your own personal subscription list, you know exactly what volume and frequency to send emails.

Do It Yourself vs. Using an Email Marketing Company: While building your own database and having full ownership in-house may sound appealing, it can become extremely cumbersome and time-consuming to manage. If you don’t have an automated system in-house and linked to your website and databases, you’ll end up having to manually make changes, like deleting an email at the request of subscribers or trying to figure out and determine your analytics for each email. Permission-based email marketing services for small businesses like Constant Contact and iContact manage everything for you, from using your website consent to directly collecting emails in a database they host to offering Design templates for your communications and emails. And, because services like this steadfastly follow anti-SPAM laws, your emails actually get to where they’re supposed to go.

Defining who you are: Clearly having someone “ask” if they can be on your email distribution list is much better than randomly sending information to third-party lists. But permission-based email marketing gives you the opportunity to also build brand awareness with those who really want to hear from you. Opt-ins may also be tempted to sign up with the offer of free white papers, case studies, and password-only access to special areas of your website.

Create a positive image of yourself: Recent studies have shown that those who choose to participate or make purchases from a particular company have an increasingly positive impression when that company sends them an email. With email marketing, you can develop and nurture a relationship that may have started simply out of necessity and begin to develop into winning a long-term customer.

More and more people are tolerant of permission-based email marketing; however, you should not cross those trust boundaries. Relevant and timely information, special promotions or incentives will continue to build trust between you and your customers. However, emails every other day or information that is simply off target of what your customers want or work with on a daily basis will lead your customers to opt out just as quickly as they did.


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